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When you woke up, you felt Avi's forehead against your neck, and it was burning not. Slightly worried about him, your turned around in his arms and saw that his face had was pale and he had draped his entire body over you.

You gently pushed his hair behind his ears. Escaping his grasp, you got out of bed, rushing to get a washcloth. You got it damp, making sure it wasn't freezing cold but not warm, and came back into the bedroom, crawling back in bed next to Avi.

Placing the washcloth on his forehead, you pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Baby?" you whispered quietly. Avi soon woke up and scrunched up his face. "I feel gross.." he whimpered.

"I know baby, I know," you handed him some water and he drank some of it.

Some of the water dripped down his chin, getting into his beard. You chuckled slightly and stroked his beard to dry it. 

Pressing your lips to his cheek briefly, you felt his fever. "Baby, you have a fever."

He nodded, cringing up into a ball, "Don't touch me.. I don't want to get you sick."

You shook your head, "No, Avi. I'm not leaving you to suffer. I'm going to get the thermometer."

Standing up, you trailed to the bathroom, getting the thermometer. You took his temperature.

"100.3. Here, take this," you handed him some pills and water. Avi reluctantly took them and settled back down.

"I'm so c-cold," he reached toward you, pulling you toward him by your waist.

"I love you, Avi."

"I love you too, just don't let me breathe in your face."

You turned away from him, and he spooned you, deciding to swing his leg over your hip, cuddling into you even more.

The two of you fell asleep eventually, and you woke up later that day.

You climbed out of bed, heading to the kitchen to make your sick fiance some breakfast. Making bacon and toast, you felt a pair of warm arms wrap around your waist.

You smiled as Avi pressed a kiss to the back of your neck.

"Avi, go sit down, the food will be ready in a minute."

"But baby, I love you. You don't have to do all the work."

You shook your head, "Yeah, but I don't want to get sick, so I'm not going to let you touch anything I'll be eating."

He chuckled into your ear and smiled, leaning against you. You felt his strong body against your smaller one, and smiled.

Finishing up the food, you carried it over to the table, and Avi ate a bunh of it. You were surprised, as he never ate well when he was sick.

Suddenly his medicine seemed to wear off and he whimpered.

"Aww, baby, go lay down on the couch."

He got out of his chair and layed down on the cold floor, curling up into a ball.

You quickly carried the dishes to the sink and sat down on the floor next to him. "Come on baby, you can get to the couch. You're so strong."

He sat up, allowing you to drag him to the couch. 

He quickly fell asleep as you covered him up in a blanket, and you sighed.

A/N I'm so close to 2k reads! Thank you all so much!


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