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Mermaid [or merman ;)] themed. Also slightly suicidal thoughts.

You were on a ship, and it was traveling the ocean. Well, it wasn't really "traveling" the ocean, it was more like, well, your parents had arranged a marriage for you, and it was with this really douchey guy. His name was (guys i literally think of random names) Kyle. You had met him once before and hated him. Of course, you were supposed to get married on this ship.

"Hey baby," Kyle walked up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, "Tonight, you're all mine," he kissed your lips grossly.

You were always disgusted by the thought of kissing someone. You were young- barely 15, and Kyle was 30 (it's an alternate universe he's not going to get arrested [but he should be arrested]), but you had never actually wanted to kiss anyone- the thought of your lips meshing with someone else's just made your skin crawl. Your parents really just wanted to sell you off to someone so they could gain money.

You gave a slight smile, it was obviously fake.

"Don't be sad," he grabbed your chin, "Tonight I'm going to fuck so well."

You whimpered, turning away from him.

"Don't turn away from me," he grabbed your hips, turning you back to him.

You pushed him off, running towards the side of the ship.

"What do you think you're doing?"

A tear ran down your cheek, "Getting away from you."

He raised an eyebrow and you jumped, falling into the ocean before you.

The current dragged you below the water, and at the moment, you really didn't care. You really just wanted to get away, even if that meant taking your own life.

The lack oxygen made your vision blurry, and just before you passed out, you saw a green tail.

Avi's POV

I saw a ship, it wasn't moving fast, it was just sailing. I decided to follow it, being the curious young merman that I was.

Suddenly, a young woman fell from the ship. Curious, I swam towards her, being careful not to get too close.

She looked like she was going to pass out, so I quickly swam towards her. Suddenly, her eyes closed completely and her body went completely limp. 

My eyes widened and I rushed to her, wrapping her up in my arms. Knowing humans can't sleep underwater, I carried her up to the surface, quickly swimming to the nearest island.

Getting her onto the sand, my breathing was racing as I quickly began doing CPR. After she coughed up some water, I noticed she still wasn't really breathing, so I opened her mouth, plugging her nose, and pressed my mouth to hers, giving her oxygen.

I did this many times, eventually seeing her chest begin rising and falling on its own.

"Please wake up," I found myself mumbling.

After a while, her eyes fluttered open and she blinked a few times before her eyes focused on mine.

Her eyes are so beautiful, I thought.


You looked at this man before you as you tried to sit up. Still being dizzy, your arms couldn't hold you, and you started to fall back- but he caught you.

He scooted closer to you, leaning you against him. 

You examined his body, seeing his strong torso, but then you saw his majestic green tail. You had always heard of mermaids, but you never thought they were real.

"Y-you're a..."

"I'm a merman," he said lowly.

You shivered at the vibrations of his chest against your back.

"I-I'm ____." 

"My name is Avriel, but everyone calls me Avi."

You nodded, turning your head to look back at his face.

He smiled at you, taking your hand in his. He rubbed your knuckles gently.

"I'll be right back," he suddenly scooted back into the water, swimming along the shore until you couldn't see him. 

A few minutes later, he returned, but he had no tail?

"How did you..."

"A friend of mine has magical powers. He took away my tail, but I can go back and have my legs turned back into my tail any time."

You nodded.

"Where are we?"

"These are the islands of Athdavrazar."

You nodded slowly, not knowing where exactly you were.

"Here. C'mon," he took your hand, leading you into the island.


It had been weeks, and you were perfectly fine with it. Most of the other creatures stayed away, so it was just you and Avi. You were having such a great time with him, he was sweet and funny, and also cute...

You had a crush on Avi. Of course, he was adorably perfect and dorky at the same time. 

The island had been getting colder by the day, and there came a time where you and Avi needed to sleep together to conserve body heat.

Cuddling up in blankets, Avi wrapped his arms around you, smiling. The space you were in was tiny anyway, and Avi really enjoyed being close to you, which didn't bother you at all. 

You turned around in his arms, smiling at him.

Suddenly, he leaned in slowly, kissing your lips.

Much to your surprise, it wasn't disgusting, it was actually quite wonderful. His lips were warm and soft. Your hands stroked his beard gently.

"You're cute," he mumbled against your lips.

"You're hot," you whispered.


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