Switching Roles

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Just a casual male pregnancy... ;) inspired by my queen breeoc97 💕
Don't question it, it's fanfiction.

You woke up to the sound of Avi groaning.

"Avi, babe, you okay?" You stroked his face gently.

He whimpered, "I think the baby's coming..."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Cause I'm a man... I can get through this..."

"Babe, let's go to the hospital," you dragged him out of bed.

He sloppily brushed his hair while you put the bags in the car.

When you got back in the house, Avi was on the couch, whining.

"C'mere," you pulled his hair up into a high messy bun.

He smiled slightly.

You grabbed his hand, pulling him up and out the door.

"How long has this been going on?" You asked.

"Like an hour."

"Avriel, you should have woken me up."

"I know, I'm sorry."

Suddenly another contraction came among and he whimpered, closing his eyes.

You let him grab your hand, but he seemed worried.

"I don't wanna break you," he rubbed your knuckles.

"Love, you aren't going to break me. I love you."

Smiling at him, you continued driving down the road.

Getting to the hospital, you rushed him in and they immediately brought him into a room.

"I love you," you kissed his forehead as he put on a hospital gown.

"Can you help-" he struggled to tie the back of it.

"Of course," you tied it for him.

"Thank you," he kissed your lips.


"Family only," a nurse glared at you.

You furrowed your eyes, "I'm his wife."

Avi grabbed your hand.


"Okay, Mr Kaplan, you can start pushing now."

Avi nodded and you sat next to the hospital bed in a chair, holding his hand.

"I love you," you whispered as he began to push.

Bruh don't ask me where it comes out

This is fanfiction don't ask questions

Avi whimpered, his stomach contracting.


2 hours later

"One last push."

He regained his breath for a second before continuing the eye contact with you.

With one final push, a cry filled the room.

"It's a boy!"

You went to the nurses, where they had you cut the umbilical cord.

They then handed you your son, and you grinned down at him before bringing him over to Avi, who gestured for you to lay down next to him in the hospital bed.

Laying with him, you put your baby on his chest.

"What's his name?" The nurse asked.


Issy ;) breeoc97 snuggled into Avi, subconsciously grabbing his chest hair.


You had been taking hormones so you could breastfeed, so a nurse came in and taught you how to breastfeed properly.

Avi watched, interested, as Israel finally latched on, getting his first meal.

You smiled at Avi, grinning as he reached over, massaging your shoulder.

"I love you so much," you kissed Avi's lips as soon as the two of you stepped inside the house.

"I love you too."

Bringing Issy into the nursery, you turned on the baby monitor.

He was laid down in his crib, sleeping.

"On the plus side," Avi began, "We can have sex again soon."

You laughed, "I love how that's the first thing that comes to your mind."

"Well..." he blushed.

"Aw," you kissed his cheek.


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