Late (2)

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You had gone to the doctor, confirming that you were, in fact, pregnant.

Avi was smiling like an adorable idiot when you were told, but he was your adorable idiot.

"I'm so proud of us," he said and hugged you right in front of all the other pregnant women.

Chuckling, he took your hand in his own and you two walked out of the office place.

You immediately called your parents and grandparents, telling them to come to your house.

Avi did the same, and within an hour everyone was at your house.

"We have something to tell you guys," Avi began, his arm wrapping around your waist.

Everyone looked at the two of you eagerly.

"____'s pregnant," he revealed.

Their eyes all widened and they smiled as they looked from your torso to Avi, back and forth.

Chuckling, Avi pulled you even closer, kissing your forehead.

Everyone stood up and started congratulating the two of you.

Eventually everyone just sat down on the couches and talked to you and Avi.

Everyone was happy for you, and they all thought it was adorable when Avi would let his hand rest on your stomach while he would kiss your face and neck.

Giggling, you rested your hand over his on your still mostly-flat stomach and kissed his bearded jawline softly.

The gorgeous man stared down at you fondly.

He leaned his nose against yours, giggling slightly.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close


"It's okay baby, just breathe," Avi reminded you as another contraction came and went.

Your families were meeting you at the hospital.

Avi let you squeeze his hand as much as you needed to.

"I'm here for you, baby."

You whimpered.

"Just remember our little baby dragon will be here soon."

You laughed a little.

Heading into the hospital, Avi gave them your name, and your families followed as you were taken into a room.

"Mrs Kaplan, are you comfortable with all of these people being in this room?"

You nodded to the doctor, wincing through another contraction.

Through all of this, Avi never left your side. He held your hand, constantly reminding you that you could squeeze his as hard as you needed to and it wouldn't break.

Soon enough, you were in labor, "A-Avi, why would I let you do this to me?"

He simply gave you a sympathetic smile, leaning in to place his lips on yours.

The taste of his soft lips gave you enough strength to keep going.

"One last push," the doctor declared.

Avi kissed your temple, holding your hand.

For a second, you stopped, collecting yourself.

Then, with all the energy you had left, you pushed as hard as you could.

Avi wanted to be the one to catch the baby, so he grabbed the newborn as soon as it was born. The nurse showed Avi how to cut the umbilical cord.

Avi brought the child up to you, "It's a girl," happy tears rolled down his cheeks as he laid her on your chest.

Your heart swelled when the tiny baby conformed to your chest. She laid perfectly in between your breasts, taking in your heat.

When the nurses came and took her to clean her, Avi followed them protectively.

"He's going to be a great protector of his children," your grandma pointed out.

"He already is," you smiled at the way he was eying the nurses.

Like a protective father dragon, he came back with his little baby dragon a few minutes later, giving her to you, his dragon queen.

Everyone except for Avi was escorted out of the room before you were shown how to breastfeed.

"What is her name?" The nurse asked.

"Arya Marie Kaplan," Avi said proudly.

Her birth certificate was created and given to you.

A few hours later, the rest of the family came in. You were sitting on the hospital bed, breastfeeding Arya, and Avi was sitting next to you.

He wrapped his arms around you protectively.

"I love you, my little dragons," he whispered into your neck.

"I love you too, dragon king."

"You're my dragon queen."


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