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In this, Avi hates touching other people.. he doesn't have a phobia, but he has a slight fear, and just doesn't like touching others.

You watched as your beautiful boyfriend strummed the keys of his guitar, smiling as you looked up from reading your book. You didn't mind watching him, not touching him, because you knew he hated being touched. He would generally only kiss you a few times a day, and would only hold you close in the night, while he was sleeping.

You never really cared, because you knew he loved you with all his heart. You were his everything, and nothing could change that.

All your coworkers always teased you for having a boyfriend who hated touching you-- though he didn't really like touching anyone.

The truth was, he didn't hate touching you, he just didn't like touching you. He would, of course, because you would often need comfort, but he would only touch you for a few minutes, which gave you enough comfort to last a week.

Most would say your relationship was 'sad', and 'depressing', but neither you or Avi cared.

There was one day in particular, however, when all this changed. Your 'haters', aka your coworkers, who had always teased you for having the boyfriend who hated touching you because you were apparently 'fat' and 'ugly' and 'gross'.

Generally, you tried not to let their horrible words harm you, but your emotions had gotten the best of you, and at the end of your shift, you quickly left, and rushed home, while starting to cry as you were driving home.

You got home, grabbing your keys, rushing into the house, as you bass-ically sprinted past Avi, causing him to be very confused, as you ran to your shared bedroom quickly.

You began crying harder as you threw yourself onto the bed, and you were expecting Avi to just give you space, and not really comfort you, which you were okay with, but slightly disappointed about.

To your surprise, you heard a soft knock on the door, as it opened slowly, as you looked up toward it.

You saw Avi peeking his head through it. You sighed, crying more.

"Baby, are you okay?" Avi asked quietly, sitting next to you on the bed.

You looked at him, shaking your head, "No, I just can't," you started crying again.

He watched you for a few minutes, before gently wrapping his arms around you. You sighed into him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulled you onto his lap.

You smiled slightly, cherishing the moment. He leaned up, and kissed your cheek, making you blush.

You leaned into him, leaning your forehead on his, and he glanced at your lips, before attaching his lips to your own. 

You were surprised at this, because he always pulled away pretty quickly, but that time, he didn't.

Instead, he pulled you even closer to him, finally starting to crave the touch that you had craved for all those years.

His tongue ran along your lips, and you allowed him entrance to your mouth, and his tongue explored it thoroughly.

Avi moaned slightly into the kiss, making you smile, loving that he was enjoying the contact as much as you.

He eventually pulled away, and laid down, you still on his chest, and proceeded to cuddle into you as much as possible.

You didn't like your 'haters', but at the end of the day, they might have just saved your relationship.


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