Cuddle Challenge

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Warning: Way Too Much Fluff

You heard your phone start ringing. You picked it up, to see that Mitch was trying to call you.

"Hello? Yes, Mitch, what do you want?"

"Hey, ____. All the PTX-related couples are doing this thing, and you and Avs need to do it to." (Yes I put Avs on purpose)

"Okay? What is it?" You asked, and put the phone on speaker so Avi could hear too.

"Oh yeah. It's the cuddle challenge. You have to always be touching each other, every day for a week- With the exception of using the bathroom, but you have to shower together too."

Avi just chuckled, "Okay?"

"Okay, good. See you guys later!" Mitch ended the call.

Avi turned to you, pulling you into a hug. "This won't be hard for us," He told you.

You giggled, "I know, right? Like, you're so cuddly. If I let you, you'd never let go of me."

"That's so true," He responded, pulling out of the hug slightly so he could boop your nose.

You giggled again.

"I love how you're always so happy," He whispered, pushing a piece of your hair behind your ear.

You smiled back at him, "You make me happy."

Avi pressed his lips to yours gently, filling you up inside.

You kissed back softly, and smiled.

"We should probably shower... Mitch said he'd 'see us (#)soon, so we should get ready."

Avi nodded, and picked you up bridal style, and carried you to the bathroom, as you held onto his neck.

You separated for only a minute as he turned on the water, and you both undressed.

When you stepped into the shower, he got soap, and started running it all over his body as you shampooed his hair, and then did yours.

"You're so cute," You told him, as he finished washing your body and just wrapped his arms around your waist.

You finished in the shower, and Avi grabbed a very big towel, and wrapped both of you up in it.

You both then found your way to your shared bedroom, where he gathered clothes for both of you.

He handed you a bra, which you put on, then he put a shirt on you.

After you finished getting dressed, Avi carried you back into the living room, where he laid down on the couch, pulling you onto his chest.

You both fell asleep, and woke up to Mitch.

"Hey, queens!" Mitch shouted, being carried by Scott.

"How did you get into my house?"

"Oh, it was nothing."

"How did you get into my house?"

"It's okay, big bass daddy. I have my ways."

Avi rewrapped his arms around your waist, as Scott sat down on the other couch, with Mitch in his arms.

"I ship you guys so hard," You told them, effectively making them both blush.

Mitch kissed Scott's cheek, then settled into his lap.

You laid your head back on Avi's chest, and started running his fingers through your hair, until Kevin walked in, giving Alyssa a piggy-back ride. Avi sat up, you on his lap.

"Hey guys!" They greeted.

"Hi!" Mitch added.

Kevin sat next to you and Avi, and you and Alyssa starting having casual conversations.

After a while, Scott came up with an idea.

"Hey! We should do the yoga challenge! The couple that does these moves the best wins!"

Everyone laughed in agreement.

It was a tie between you and Avi and Kevin and Alyssa.

Kevin was buffer than Avi, but Avi was more flexible.

Scomiche basically failed just as much as they did for their yoga challenge video.

Afterwards, everyone was on the ground, tired, but still had to be touching their partner.

You put your leg over Avi's hips, as he laid on his stomach.

Everyone fell asleep from exhaustion, and you woke up when Avi pulled you into his chest.

You grinned, and felt him press a kiss to your head.

"I love you.." You whispered, and he pulled your back to his front.

"I love you too, nugget."

A/N Hello. I'm going to try to make a part 2, and maybe even a part 3.



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