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"Mom," You began, "This is Avi." You put your arm around his face as he smiled nervously. You had been dating Avi for months, but you had been waiting to tell your mother because she was very 'protective'.

"What? ____, you know how I feel when you get a boyfriend without my permission," She said, disappointment in her voice.

"Mom. I'm not a child anymore, I'm 23. I'm sorry, I'm not always going to do what you want."

"I told you, you can trust no man."

"Avi is the sweetest man ever. He has never done anything to make me uncomfortable, he has never hurt me. He's the best. Do you not want me to be happy?"

Your mom sighed. "Fine, if you can prove to me that he will never hurt you, I will accept you, and him."

"Okay, so how are you going to do that? Are you going to creepily watch us?"

She thought for a minute, and then nodded. "Actually, that sounds like a great plan. You guys can live here for about a week, and you have to make sure I can see you at all times. I need to see how well you interact with each other, because I don't want to see you hurt."

She then stood right next to Avi, and got up all in his face.

"If you hurt her.... You won't live to see another day."

"I would never hurt her, she is my everything."

As Avi said that, you saw her give a slight smile, and then she backed off.

"Okay, so I'm going to tell you guys things that you have to like, do in order to prove yourselves."

She then turned and walked to the door, and you thought she had walked away. You then turned to Avi, and sighed. "I'm sorry," You whispered, as Avi wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your forehead, and you buried your head in his chest.

"That earns you a point," You heard from nowhere, causing both of you to jump.

You look to the door, seeing your mother smirking.

*The Next Day*

You and Avi had both gone home to get your things, and showed up at your mom's at 9 am, which was when she told you to show up.

You hugged Avi, and he kissed your cheek.

You led him to your old room, and you both placed your things in it.

"Come into the kitchen, you both," You heard your mom say.

You and Avi then walked out to the kitchen.

"Kiss her." Your mom said suddenly.

Avi looked at her, confused.

"Don't ask questions, just kiss her."

Avi just shrugged, and smiled at you.

He put his hands on your hips, and gently pressed his lips to yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

His lips melted over yours in their usual, smooth fashion.

Eventually you smiled, breaking the kiss, opening your eyes to see him sweetly smiling at you.

"I love you," Avi whispered.

"I love you too," You whispered back.

"I'm starting to like this guy," Your mom said, slightly surprising you.

Your mother then started making tea, and told you and Avi to go sit on the couch.

Avi sat down on the couch first, and then pulled you to his side. He wrapped an arm around your waist, you putting a hand on his torso. He smiled, and kissed the top of your head.

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