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You and Avi had gone on a date, and as usual, it had gone very well. You had been dating for around 9 months, and things were starting to get very serious between the two of you.

You kissed Avi's cheek before he gracefully pranced ahead of you on the sidewalk. You giggled, as he looked like a majestic dragon. You started running after him, and you didn't really pay attention to what happened next, you just knew something was wrong. 

"Avi!" you yelled, as you found yourself on the ground. 

He quickly turned around, his eyes widening as he saw you.

"Baby!" He almost yelled, sprinting back toward you. It was as if the pain was blocked by something, because suddenly you came back to your senses, and your ankle hurt like a bitch. You whimpered, grabbing it, which just made it worse.

"My ankle.." 

"Shh, sweetheart, what happened?" Avi asked kindly. You just shrugged, "I'm not really sure.. I blacked out for a moment, and then I just found myself on the ground.."

Avi sighed, "How bad does it hurt?" he asked. He knew that you weren't that wimpy when it came to pain, "Really bad.."

"Well, I should take you to a hospital then. Can you walk?" he questioned. You shrugged again, and he stood you up as you tried to put weight on it. 

"Ow! Ow! Nope," you stated, almost falling back to the ground, but luckily Avi caught you before you could get hurt worse.

"I guess I'll have to carry you, then," he scooped you up into his arms, and you smiled at him..

"I know.. I'm sorry."

He chuckled, "Don't be sorry, I love carrying you around."

You smiled again, burying your head in his neck.

You eventually got home, and he changed you into more comfortable clothes, before carrying you out to the car. He climbed into it with you and drove to the hospital, where you both discovered that you had broken your ankle.

"Of course," you sighed, after the doctor told you.

"You should be better in about 6 weeks," the doctor then walked out of the room, leaving you and Avi alone.

Avi smiled, "I guess I can carry you around even more now," he gently pressed his forehead to yours. "I love you," he added.

"I love you too, baby," you pressed a sweet kiss to his lips, leaving his own lips tingling.

He smiled into the kiss, and broke away when you giggled into it.

"You're adorable," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your nose.

The doctor then walked back into the room, "____, you are ready to go, just make sure to come back in a few weeks for a check-up."

You nodded, "Thank you!"

"Of course. Do you need any crutches? A wheelchair?"

"Um, yes plea-"

"Nah, it's fine, we don't need those."

The doctor raised his eyebrow and nodded. Avi helped you up out of the bed, and lifted you up, checking you out of the hospital and taking you back to the car.

"Avi, are you going to get tired of carrying me? Like, I feel like I'm going to make you really tired."

He shook his head, "I think you're underestimating how strong I am, baby. I love you, and I work out, because I have to, for the band."

You nodded, "What happens when you go back to work? Won't I need crutches?"

He shook his head, "I don't have to go back for another two months."

You chuckled. Of course. Of course he had it so he could take care of you constantly. Avi loved you so much, it was unreal.

Avi drove the two of you home, and he came around to your side of the car and lifted you up and out, carrying you into the house.

He immediately took you upstairs, since it was getting late. You were placed on bed, as he undressed you, pecking your lips every so often, making you giggle. He put sweatpants on you and a sports bra, and just put sweats on himself.

He gathered several pillows, so you could place your ankle on them, to make it hurt less. "Thank you," you rested your head on his chest.

"Of course," he stroked your hair gently.

It was quite awkward with your ankle being propped up, but it was okay, because Avi didn't care, he just basically climbed on top of you in the night, swinging his leg over your hip.

"I love you," he whispered, giving your neck a gentle kiss.


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