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You were best friends with Avi all throughout school. In 7th grade, you developed a crush on him- but he got a girlfriend at around the same time. She was an 8th grader. This was at the JH dance, and you had to watch the two of them dance together and be all happy.

His new girlfriend, Melody, made sure he was never near you. She had such an ego and you never understood how he could be with her.

About a year later, right before the JH dance, Melody broke up with him. You messaged him on Instagram, wanting to know if he was okay.

You seemed sad and kinda depressed today... are you okay?

Yeah, just going through a breakup. Thank you though, it really means a lot.

You smiled and continued talking to him, making small talk. For the next few weeks, you chatted with him through Instagram, eventually getting his Snapchat.

Eventually, a 7th grader named Olivia asked him to the dance and he said yes.

You sighed, knowing you'd just end up going with your friends again.


*At The Dance*

"____," Avi walked up to you as a slow dance began.

"H-hi," you smiled at him, blushing.

"I got away from my date," he chuckled, "Would you like to dance?"

You nodded slowly, and he smiled, placing his hands on your hips.

You blushed as your hands wrapped around his neck.

"So, how's your night going?" he asked.

"It's great," you grinned, "how about you."

"I'm good," he smiled.

You began mouthing the words to the song that was playing.

"You like imagine dragons?" he asked.

You nodded, "I like some of their songs, especially this one."

The song playing was "Demons" by imagine dragons.

You smiled as he began singing along to the chorus.

"Is this even really a slow song though?" he asked, laughing.

"I'm not sure, I mean, it's a song, and it's slow, so..."


"Very true," you giggled.


A few days later, you confessed your feelings to Avi.

The message you sent read, "Okay so I don't really know how to say this, I know you just got over a breakup, and you probably like Olivia, but I just wanted to tell you that I like you (if you couldn't tell), and I have since the dance last year. Yeah, I know, I'm sorry if this makes anything awkward between us, we don't really talk much, but I'm sorry if this ruins the friendship we're having again, but in my eyes you're honestly really cute/attractive, with a great personality, but I understand if you don't feel the same."

Avi responded a few minutes later, "I believe you're attractive, but I like Olivia a lot, if it didn't work out I would consider dating you, it doesn't have to change anything."

His second message read, "I would really like it to work out with Olivia though."

You sighed. 'I guess I'm still waiting,' you thought.

You responded, "Okay, thank you for responding, I understand."

He replied, "Thank you so much."


For the next few weeks, you didn't talk to him much. He asked Olivia out on the last day of school, and you felt you heart being crushed.


Over the summer, you didn't really talk to Avi until band camp started up.

You learned that he had broken up with Olivia, saying that 'it wasn't meant to be.'

You began talking to him again, learning that he was still in love with the girl who had originally broken his heart- Melody.

You were the only one he told.

The thing was- she had a boyfriend, she was dating a senior.


It was the end of freshman year, and Avi was finally over his ex.

You slowly began to get closer to him, the two of you finally getting back the relationship who had when you were younger.


*A Month Into Sophomore Year*

You walked into choir, seeing everyone on the sides of the room, with Avi in the middle.

He was holding a sign.

The sign read, "___, it would be amazing if you'd come to homecoming with me. It would make me very happy :) and I think I could make you happy as well."

You walked closer to him, "Of course."

He smiled and flipped the sign around.

This side read, "Also... I was wondering... will you be my girlfriend? Please know that I am very afraid of rejection, as I somewhat rejected you a while ago, which I deeply regret. I'm very sorry. 💚"

"Yes," you blushed.

Avi's face split into a smile as he opened his arms, pulling you into a hug.


*6 Years Later*

"I love you," Avi whispered as his arms wrapped around you, holding you close.

As you laid in bed together, few words were spoken, mostly just touching.

"I love you too," you kissed his cheek.

"Gimme an actual kiss," he puckered his lips.

You pecked his lips gently, turning away from him.

He scoffed, "You can kiss better than that," he whined.

"What, do you want to make out?" you giggled.

"Well..." he turned you around in his arms.

You rolled your eyes and placed your lips on his full-on, letting them drift over his smoothly.

Avi smiled into the kiss, pulling you up into his chest. His hands tangled themselves in your hair, pulling you even closer.

You broke the kiss, smiling at him, "Calm down, hottie."


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