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;).. Also smut warning.

You walked along the beach, which would seem pretty normal to people. Nothing strange about that, right?

As soon as your palace guards took their eyes off you, you ran. You ran fast, to a cove, where there was water in it, as it was connected to the ocean.

You saw your beautiful merman-- Avi Kaplan.

His hair was so soft, you could touch it all day. His skin was so perfect, you could stare at his beauty for hours.

"Avi!" you whisper yelled.

He smiled, "____!"

Giggling, you jumped in the water next to him.

He caught you before you even hit the water, though, and held you against his chest as he was holding you bridal-style.

"I missed you, baby." he whispered.

You nodded in agreement.

You pulled away slightly, and wrapped your legs around his torso, leaning in to give him a kiss.

Your lips attached to his with passion, and he kissed back sweetly, causing shivers to run down your spine.

He pulled away, and pressed his lips to your neck.

You leaned back in his strong arms, trusting him to hold you protectively, which he did.

"I wish I could have you in my palace with me.." you told him as he pulled away.

Avi nodded. Your mother died years before, and you had turned to the sea to cope, which was where you found Avi, a merman. He was the king of his own, underwater kingdom.

"I would give up my own kingdom in a heartbeat for you."

Your heard fluttered, "Really? Babe, you don't have to do that."

"I love you. I will do whatever it takes for you to become mine, and all mine."

You smiled.

"____, I love you so much. You have no idea how much I would love to wake up holding you, or how much I wish I could touch your soft skin all day, or stare into your gorgeous eyes for hours."

You smiled, tears in your eyes.

You leaned in, kissing him slowly and softly.

*The next day*

Avi's POV

I was almost out of breath by the time I got to the surface. I had taken a potion, my long, green tail had gone away, and so did my ability to breathe underwater.


____?" I called quietly.

It was almost the middle of the night, of course she wouldn't be awake.

I examined the newly discovered part of my body.

I saw toes, which I wiggled, big feet, which I flailed around, and  hairy legs, which I initially used to push myself up onto the land inside the cove.

I found a secret room, and it had a bed in it, and a light switch. I turned on the light, and noticed even more about this new area of my body.

I saw this limp, thick, stick-like thing coming out of my crotch area. I gasped slightly. (Omg I'm laughing while writing this.)

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