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k so im gonna try to make this as different from twilight as possible. (vampire warning)

You lay on the bed whimpering. Avi came into the room and saw you-- pale, skinny, dying.

His beautiful eyes shifted from green to their red-yellow color as he saw you. He reached his hand out, stroking your cheek gently.

"Avi, please," you begged.

"No. I'm not making you withstand the pain I had to undergo until it's absolutely necessary."

You shook your head, tears welling up in your eyes. You had a rare disease, you were dying, and it wasn't slowly.

Avi crawled into bed with you, carefully wrapping his strong arms around your small, frail body.

"I love you, I promise you, I will save you when the time comes."

You nodded slowly in understanding.

He brushed a piece of your hair out of your face and leaned in, pressing his lips to yours briefly.

"I love you too, Avi."

You were dying, and you knew it, but you didn't mind. Not at all. You knew that you could finally become one with your gorgeous husband.

He kissed your neck gently, before pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth, his tongue brushing your lips carefully.

You suddenly felt your eyes get heavy, your limbs began to get cold and heavy.

"A-Avi? I-it's time.."

He pressed his lips back to yours one last time, and your eyes closed completely.

"I love you, my angel."

Just as the life began to leave your body, Avi finally leaned into you, biting your neck. His venom immediately began running through your veins.

He bit down on the other side of your neck as well, pressing a kiss to the bite afterwards.


I bit my angel's shoulder gently, running my lips down it afterward. I knew she was dying, but I couldn't bare to see her in the pain that 'changing' causes until it was absolutely necessary. I lifted her up carefully, placing her limp body in the bathtub, heating up the water and filling it. 

I washed her hair, as it was already becoming shinier and healthier as my venom swept through her veins.

Washing her body, I rinsed her hair and lifted her out of the tub, wrapping my arms around her as I held her close to my body, drying her off. 

It can take up to 3 months for a human to completely change, and I wasn't sure how long it would take ____, my baby.

I watched her ever day for several weeks, and one day I noticed her gaining some weight, looking healthy again. I couldn't help but smile and kiss her lips.

The next day I heard her voice calling to me. I was laying in bed next to her and I had fallen asleep.

"Avi?" she smiled at me, her previously __ eyes now bright red.

"Baby I missed you so much," I cupped her face in my hands, pressing my lips to hers passionately.

"You actually saved me. I love you so much," she smiled into the kiss.

"I love you too."


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