Help Me

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Your POV

You stepped out of your room, and started walking downstairs to the kitchen, andyou glanced in the living room, seeing Avi curled up in a ball on the couch, and he seemed to be shaking.

"Avi? Babe?" You called to your boyfriend.

He glanced up at you and whimpered. Your eyes filled with worry, as you rushed over to him.

Avi put his hand up, trying to stop you from walking to him.

"____ I don't want to get you sick."

"You're sick? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to get you sick.." He croaked out.

"Aww, babe, you're burning up," You told him, sitting next to him, as you placed your hand on his forehead.

"Shh, I don't want to get you sick."

"You won't get me sick, I got the flu shot... Which I told you you should have gotten."

"I know, you were right, babe."

You wrapped your arms around him, pulling his face into your chest. He sighed in content, closing his eyes.

You laid with him for about ten minutes, and he eventually fell asleep in your arms.

You watched him sleep peacefully for about an hour, and eventually he woke up.

"Hey, babe. You should put on more comfortable clothes," You said, sitting him up.

Avi nodded wearily, and you stood up, then helping him up. You put his arm over your shoulders, helping him up the stairs. When you got to your shared bedroom, you undressed him, and put sweatpants and a t-shirt on him.

You made him sit on the bed, and you then sat down next to him. Before you could do anything, and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close. You smiled, and moved him so his head was on your upper stomach.

Eventually he fell asleep, and you slipped away to get him some medicine. He had woken up as you left, saddened by your sudden absence.

You brought the medicine back. making him take it, he then fell back asleep.


The next morning, you woke back up to being in Avi's chest. You were happy to see that his fever broke, and his face wasn't as pale anymore.

Suddenly, he pressed his lips to your neck. You smiled.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me, babe."

"I'd do it again in a heartbeat," You whispered back.

He slowly leaned down, pressing his lips against yours in their usual, soft fashion.

He put his hand on your waist, and yours went to his hair.

He smiled, ending the kiss.

The remainder of the day Avi spent showing you just how much he loved you taking care of him

He would constantly have his arm around you, or be kissing your cheek.

You loved him so much.

"I love you," He whispered to you.

"I love you too," You smiled back.

He pulled you in by your waist, pressing his to yours, with your arms around his neck.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter! I will try to get out a longer one tomorrow!

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