Small Progess

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"THREE TWO-" Nightmare was cut off. "I WANNA LIGHT IT" Wolfie yelled. "You're going to set the entire room on fire Wolfie." Harly said sternly. "JUST LET ME COUNT" Nightmare yelled. "NO" Wolfie said trying to grab the flint and steel. "GUYS WE COULD'VE COUNTED TO THREE LIKE 6 TIMES BY NOW" I yelled. Nightmare dragged Wolfie with him, "THREE TWO ONE GO". A purple flashed into the frame of the portal. "AWW" Wolfie whined. "WE GOT A NETHER PORTAL BITCHES" I yelled. "YEAHH" Nightmare exclaimed high fiving me. "Now who's going to be the first to go in" Harly stated. We all paused. "NOW IN A MONTH WE'RE GONNA ACTUALLY USE ITT" I continued. "YEAHH" Nightmare yelled again. "Now I'm going to sleep" Wolfie said walking up the stairs. "C'mon Summer we have to go to the nether eventually" Harly said. "We know but not right now, we still have more important things to do" I replied. "I mean you are right" Harly said. "Let's go to the surface then" I said walking up the stairs. We had all pitched in to help build the land. We already had markets, houses, a middle area, and a main place. It was still small but we were still working to extend it more. All we really needed was more people. I harvested the crops as Wolfie watched. "Don't fall into the water ways again" Wolfie said looking at a flint and steel. "I've never done such a thing" I replied. They tilted their head and stared at me. "I haven't-" I said knowing they weren't buying it. There was a commotion in the barn that caused us both to turn our heads. I walked through the gate and walked towards the barn. Wolfie followed far behind. "SH SH- SHIT-" someone yelled knocking something over. I blinked and walked towards them. "I- AH-" the person yelled stepping a block back. Another iron hoe fell over and startled one of the sheep. "Whoa-" I said stopping in place. "I'M SORRY-" the person yelled picking stuff up. "It's fine it's fine" I said helping them. "Is it an enderman??" Wolfie asked slowly peaking their head in. "Yes I'm totally talking to an enderman" I said sarcastically. The person chuckled and I could tell they were feeling less jumpy. "Ender language exists" Wolfie said rolling their eyes. I rolled my eyes as well then turned "What's your name??". The person moved their head foward, "Sorry what-". "Your pocket" I replied. "Uhh" they said reaching in and pulling out the tag. "Blade-" he said handing it to me. "The tag represents your name" I said. "Ohh okay" they said still looking at the tag. "How did you even end up in the barn" I asked. "I don't remember-" he said putting the tag back in their pocket. "How do you not remember" Wolfie asked. "I dunno-" Blade replied. "Wolfie you don't remember things either" I said turning my head. "Hmph" they replied crossing their arms. "Well Blade, I'll show you around the land" I said getting ready to walk ahead. "Okayy" he said walking after me. Wolfie gave them a skeptical look. Blade just smiled awkwardly and kept following.

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