Stress is High

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I finally caught up to Nightmare. He was mumbling most likely cursing out Echo. "The rest are setting up underground" I said sitting next to him. He just stood silent afterwards. "Maybe rest" I said glancing at him. He sighed then rested his head. I played around with his hair for a bit. We just sat there in silence. It eventually became night time and I fell asleep. In the morning me and Nightmare walked back to the land. He finally calmed down. When we came back the land was fixed and the holes were filled in. The barn was the only thing half standing. Jk was already working on fixing the buildings damage. He explained to us he wasn't going to make new buildings at this point. Nightmare fell back to sleep as we just had a silent day. Some people stood in their room and some just played games. I walked outside and went up the mountain. I decided to check on Flamey and the rest. I walked along the mountains just thinking. I stopped at the mountain next to their base. I glanced down and sat at the edge. My eyes widened, their stuff was blown up as well. I carefully went down the mountain and walked over. Bishir just layed on the floor. Flamey looked frustrated like Nightmare. "What happened?" I asked. Lani quickly turned and accidentally stabbed me in the side again. "I-" I blurted out holding my side. "Oh no sorry-" she said. "It's fine-" I said weakly pulling it out. "What are you doing here" Flamey said blandly. "I wanted to see how you guys were doing, especially with the skeleton on the mountain" I responded. "Fuck off bozo" Bishir said picking up a piece of debris. Flamey glared at Bishir. "We're fine" he said sitting back on his chair. He winced but dealt with it. I just sighed. After helping them a bit I walked back. I heard footsteps behind me. I looked to my side and saw it was Aether. "Hey" I said looking foward again. "Hi" he said. We just walked in silence for some reason. When I got back to the land I turned to him. "Do you wanna come undeground? Or" I asked him. "Sure" he said. I opened the trapdoor and walked downstairs. He closed to trapdoor behind him. "Hi Summer!" Ocean said playing with Jk. "Hi Ocean" I said. "Who's this?" Nightmare asked, he was sitting in the corner couch. "I'm Aether" he responded holding his hand out. Nightmare glared at him for a while then shook his hand. Aether glared at Nightmare as well, he snapped out of it then smiled. I didn't feel like telling Nightmare how me and Aether met. Considering I was in his sister's closet. Night time hit and I said goodbye to Aether. Everyone else had fallen asleep.

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