The Save

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The next morning I went back to the village. I went behind the houses just to figure out where Ocean was. I tip toed over to the lake behind the mountain. I saw a purple and black block shining in the water. I went in then dropped down. I noticed glass, just then a bang came from it. My vision focused and I saw Ocean banging on the glass. I swam up and sat at the edge. I gasped for breath shaking the water out of my hair. I took a step back then felt something move. I turned and saw string along the ground. Someone pushed the vines out of the way. My eyes widened. Echo turned the corner then noticed me. "Oh hello" she said taking another step. Nightmare threw an axe at her then pulled out his sword. Her eyes widened as the axe teared her sleeve. Nightmare swung at her. Echo caught the blade with her hands then smiled. "You bitch" Nightmare said. I went back in the water then hit the glass with a pickaxe. Ocean noticed me and turned. I took the final hit breaking the glass. I pulled him out going back up to the surface. I felt so uncomfortable being in the water. I pulled Ocean up then glanced at Nightmare. Ocean coughed out water sitting down. Echo started sizzling. Nightmare's eyes widened then pushed the blade further. Her hands started bleeding distracting her. Nightmare pushed off then stepped back. Echo blew up around her barely getting Nightmare. It caused a hole in their base. Ivy stood up glaring at us through the hole. I picked Ocean up standing. "GO" Nightmare yelled following far behind me. Echo wiped the blood off her face then sighed. We ran from the village getting far enough. "Are you okay Ocean?" I asked. He nodded slightly. I heard footsteps behind us. I turned and saw Echo. "Are you okay to run on your own?" I asked. "Yeah" he responded. I let him down, "Go with him". "Summer what ab-" I cut Nightmare off. "Just go" I said standing. He eventually went off with Ocean. I turned then met Echo's sword with mine. "Never thought I'd be fighting against you" Echo said. "Me neither" I said holding my footing. "It'd be a shame to have to blow you up" she said. "I don't think that'll be happened today" I said. I hopped over her then kicked at her leg. She fell then turned and started sizzling. "You could've handled it better but you chose not to" I told her. Her eyes widened as she blew up around her. I used the impact as a tnt jump. I landed on my leg then yelled. The way I landed was not planned. I was far from her though. I ran in the direction of the house slightly limping. I eventually made it home running into the house. Nightmare had Ocean set down on the couch. "Hi-" I said sitting next to Ocean. "What happened?" Nightmare asked. "I barely faught her, I used her explosion to boost myself" I explained. I was glad Ocean was safe, but we needed a break after these few couple of days.

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