A Sacrifice to Hell

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Things had starting calming down since court. In real world I would just lay in my room doing random stuff. The morning had been chill until a knock sounded at the door. I got up from the couch walking to the door. I opened the door slightly to see who it was. Lenny stood at the door nervously. My eyes widened and went to go shut the door. "Summer wait please listen to what I have to say-" he said holding the door open. "I'm not listening to anything you say" I said putting my back against the door. "Summer please it's about Aether!" he exclaimed pushing back the door at the same strength. "FOR A 60 YEAR OLD YOU ARE VERY STRONG" I yelled using my feet to push against the door. He elbowed the door hard swinging it into my back. I fell forward hitting the floor. "OW!" I yelled holding my back. "I am so sorry-" he said putting his hand over his mouth. I groaned using my elbow to get up. "Oh my" he said glancing down at me. I sighed deeply then kicked him at the ankle. "OW" he yelled hopping away a bit. I got to my feet standing up. "What do you want Lenny?" I asked a bit a frustrated. "It's about Aether-" he said crouching by the door. "What about him? Got his fat head stuck in a toilet?" I asked as a joke. "Sounds like its the time of the month" Lenny commented rolling his eyes. My smile faded as I just stared at him. I slowly pulled my sword out so ready to kill him right here. "He's trying to wake up Shadow" he said breaking the silence after his comment. My eyes widened as I paused in place. "How would he do that? You can't just wake someone in a coma using conventional methods" I responded putting my sword back. "Weeellll..... Me and Henry might have told him as a joke that if he did a sacrifice on her in the nether she would wake up..." he said awkwardly. I felt my confusion slowly being pushed down by anger. "AND WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I yelled. "I DIDN'T KNOW HE'D ACTUALLY GO OFF AND DO IT" he yelled back. "IT'S AETHER!" I yelled stating the obvious. Before Lenny could say another weird I huffed aggressively pulling my coat off the wall. "Where are you going?" he asked standing up straight. "To fix the shit you fucked up which seems like THAT'S ALL I'M DOING NOW" I yelled stomping to the door. "OH-" he said as I swung the door open. "How far into the nether?" I asked walking to the nether portal. "Not that far, Henry's already in" he answered. I yanked his hand pulling him into the portal. "WHO-" he was cut off by the world transfer. When we were through I glanced around. I noticed an arc with a cliff between it. Henry was already trying to climb up. I used a small hill to jump onto the fortress. I ran along the path hopping onto a rock. I climbed up then used Henry's head as a boost up. "HEY" he yelled glancing up to see who it was. "I'm not sorry at all." I said sternly. "I'LL JUST TAKE MY TIME THEN" Lenny yelled slowly climbing up the fortress. I sighed deeply turning around. "Have to fucking take care of this family myself" I mumbled walking to the cliff. Aether sat nearby the edge with Shadow, still unconscious. "Aether what the hell are you doing" I asked stopping in place. "I want her to wake up-" he said making it obvious he had been crying. "This isn't the way though- Your IDIOT FATHER and his boyfriend was just making a joke" I said loud enough for them to hear me. Aether just shook his head standing. "Well no one has tried this before.." he said picking Shadow up. "AETHER NO" I yelled running out to pull him away from the edge. Lenny and Henry finally climbed up watching the scene. "STAY BACK" he yelled turning to counter me. My eyes widened as I felt like someone had elbowed me in the stomach. I was rushed backwards as a gust of wind knocked me to the ground. Lenny tried to help me up but I pushed him off helping myself up. "Get your child grabbers off me" I said aggravated. Henry let out a chuckle but went silent when Lenny glared at him. I took a deep breath then slowly approached Aether. He seemed shocked at what just happened as well. "Aether just put Shadow down. We can bring you two back to the overworld where there's not oceans of lava and cliffs-" I gently explained to him. He just shook his head scared to do either choice. "Fuck this gentle shit" Henry said clenching his fists and stomping up to us. Aethers eyes widened as he set Shadow down. "HENRY." I yelled turning to face him. He ran ahead pulling his arm back for a punch. In a swift movement a gust of wind set out pushing everything back from Aether. Henry hit the wall sliding through the sand like texture. I slid back glancing back over to Shadow. The wind pushed her back sending her over the edge. My eyes widened and without thinking I ran to the edge. Before Aether could realize what I was about to do I had jumped. "NO" Aether yelled reaching out to grab me. I kicked off the wall grabbing onto Shadow. I turned my back torwards the lava hitting it hard. The heat overwhelmed me quickly but I kept a grip on Shadow. A flash of purple hit the lava then came right out. I felt rushing air hit my face but was still terrified to open my eyes. I felt the weight taken out of my arms as I just leaned my head back breathing heavily. "ARE YOU A FUCKING LUNATIC?!" I heard Aether yell. "Yes" I answered without thinking. "I knew it" Lenny said crossing his arms. I opened my eyes just glaring at him. "I'm so confused as to what you guys were doing before I got here" Nightmare said. My eyebrows narrowed as I glanced at him. "And why are you in the nether?" I asked genuinely confused. "Uhh" he said trying to come up with what to say. Just then coughing came from behind me. I sat up turning to face Aether. Shadow sat up coughing up lava. "She woke up?!" Lenny exclaimed. "I mean it worked-" Aether said giving an awkward smile. I just glared at him frustrated. She slowly opened her eyes glancing at all of us. Nightmare sighed falling to the ground to hug her. I let out a cough then stood up dusting myself off. "Soo.. It wasn't a joke?" Lenny asked hopeful. I glared at him again kicking him in the shin. "OW" he yelled hopping around. Shadow looked up at the yell slowly loosening Nightmare's grip. Nightmare moved back trying to see what Shadow was looking at. She took a deep breath then got up quickly running at me. I went to go turn but she had jumped on my back. "YOU-" she yelled hitting me in the head. "OW!" I yelled trying to get her off. She grabbed out a knife bringing her arm back. "NO" Nightmare yelled pulling Shadow off from behind. She hit and kicked swinging the knife around. "I'M GONNA KILL HER!" she yelled trying to get out of Nightmare's grasp. Nightmare held her by the stomach so it would be hard to get out. I held my head as it started throbbing in pain. I had a killing headache and she hit pretty hard. She slowly calmed down then ran her fingers in between Nightmare's. I gagged walking to the side of Henry. It occurred to me we'd have to deal with her again.

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