Looting up

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I sat in the same field and ate some bread. I was just staring at the grass, thinking about some of the stuff Nightmare explained. I tried putting the pieces together to figure out why exactly we were here. Why it was us who ended up here. I shook my head trying not to think too much about it. I got up and kept walking while playing around with my tie. I moved some of the leaves out of the way, and almost fell off the edge. "Whoa" I said holding onto a branch. I looked over the edge and saw lava and water. "Is this the ravine that Nightmare was talking about?" I asked myself. I took a deep breath then jumped down. I landed into the water and flowed onto a piece of stone. I sat there and wiped the water off my face. I looked to the left of me and saw a lava pit. "Better not fall there" I said getting up. I jumped along the wall making it to the opening of a cave. I walked in placing torches along the wall. There were a bunch of different ores throughout the cave. I mined each one of them putting the rest in my bag. I placed a torch and an arrow flew near my ear. "Crap" I said holding my sword up. A skeleton walked from the shadows and shot at me again. I reflected it with the sword and just stood there. "Skeleton's are pretty weak right?" I said standing up straight. The skeleton just stared at me with it's bow raised still. "Yeah" I said swinging at the skeleton. The skeleton turned it's body dodging the swing. "A-" I spat out falling onto the floor and sitting against the stone. The skeleton shot at me again. I slid under the bow and kicked at the skeleton. It balanced on one leg and shot at me again. "I HATE SKELETONS WITH A PASSION" I said running under it's legs and running out the cave. It chased after me with one leg shooting multiple arrows at me. I started swimming back up the water dodging as many arrows I could. I dropped my head down and dropped my hat. "Shit" I mumbled trying to grab it. The skeleton picked up my hat and put it on for shade. "You bitch" I said swimming up the water more. The skeleton finally hit me with an arrow knocking me out the water. I held my side as I fell back in the bottom pond. The skeleton pulled it's arrow back ready to shoot at me again. Next thing I knew I woke up back on Nightmare's couch. I held my side again and felt that the arrow was gone. Nightmare turned his head and saw me. "What the hell happened?" he asked. A piece of paper fell on my head. He picked it up and read it. "Summer was killed by a skeleton-" he read. I frowned, "It stole my hatttt". "Loser" Wolfie said. I sighed and just layed down.

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