Family Issues Times 2

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Shadow ran in closing the door behind her. "Look what I got~" Aether said dangling the mask. "You can't be serious?!" Shadow exclaimed glaring at him. "AND YET I'M SO SERIOUS" he said laughing. He put the mask on then paused. Shadow sighed then walked to her bed. He lifted the mask up letting it sit on his head. He flopped on his bed then smiled. "I'm shifting, and you should too" Shadow said. "Fine" Aether responded. Shadow woke up in the real world. She walked out the room heading to the door. "Oh hey Shadow, where you going?" Nightmare asked. Flamey glanced over then went back to bullying Sync. "To the store" she said gently smiling then walking out. She walked for a bit before making it to a hill. A guy was at the bottom on his phone. "Aether?" she asked gently. The guy looked up from his phone. She walked over to the bench. "Hello Shadow" he said turning off his phone. "I'm suprised you were able to get out of there" she said. "On a timer" he responded showing her his watch. "Ah, typical" Shadow said sitting down. Aether just nodded slightly. "Do you remember anything from the world?" Shadow asked. Aether shook his head. "Barely, I remember that Summer and Nightmare are a thing though" he said taking his earbuds out. Shadow paused for a moment. "They're what?" she asked glancing at him. "Yeah, but anyways this whole thing is bad for the human brain" Aether continued. Shadow just thought for a moment leaning back. "If the magic there continues forgetfulness and the world takes over the memories it can put a damage on real life" he added. "I think Nightmare and...Summer. Are close to getting to the answer, I'll ask..them" Shadow said uneasy. Aether glanced at her. "Are you okay dude?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm going to head back to the world" Shadow responded getting up. "I will try to get you out as soon as I can" she said walking away. Aether nodded slightly kind of confused. Shadow made it back home. She closed the door behind her then shifted. When she woke up in the real world she got up and ran out. She speed walked to the area. When she got there she knocked on the door. "Please be here" she mumbled under her breath. The door swung open. "Hey" Shadow said hopeful. "Huh?" Echo asked.

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