A God and a Demon (Part Iina's POV)

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After getting home and shifting I couldn't find many people. I looked around for Nightmare but couldn't find him either. I just sighed thinking of what to do for the day.


Iina floated around the nether for a bit. She kept eyes on all of the portals while traveling. Small strings lined over pits of lava connecting to god knows what. They all created a sound system to listen in. Before she knew it a chime sounded from afar. Iina glanced in the direction quickly. The chime sounded again making the location obvious. She quickly floated over to try and catch the person. To be filled in a person had been basically tormenting the nether, Iina determined to put a stop to it. She went through every shortcut she knew trying to get to the portal fast enough. She made it breathing heavily. She glanced around narrowing her eyes. A blast of fire came from behind. She ducked down using the gold around her to knock the person off. They slid through the netherrack turning to face her. She glared at them finally getting a perfect glimpse of his face. A man in all white everything, hair, clothing, accessories. The only thing that threw her off was having a mask, but not recalling giving one to someone like this. Someone who killed a member of her board. "Blaze rods aren't really what I'm looking for currently but I can take the time out of my day to collect some" he said going into a fighting stance. Iina chuckled raising her sword as well. She glared at him waiting for him to make the first move. He ran towards her with no hesitation. He blasted fire teleporting away. Her eyes widened in a bit of shock. She glanced around with just her eyes listening intently. A chomp came from behind her along with the sound of metal clanking. She ducked under sliding back. The man fell to the floor getting to his feet quickly. She turned to her pillager form quickly getting back into stance. He glanced at her raising an eyebrow. "A confusing one aren't you" he said shrugging a bit. He ran going to swing at her again. She swung her leg spinning off to the side. His eyes widened a bit glancing to where she turned. She ran forward more jumping on his back. She moved her body using his own weight to pull him down. He groaned falling down hard. She got back up pinning him down from the torso. He picked his arm up going to swing at her. She used her free leg to kick the sword out his hand. He lifted his leg going to kick her off. She hopped up kicking him further back. He slid through the red sand like texture hitting a wall. He groaned trying to get up. She walked over picking him up from the shirt. "You killed a member of my board. Do you understand the penalty of breaking protocol despite whether you're a mask or not?" she asked glancing him up and down. "U-Um" he stuttered a bit covering his face. "Well?!" she yelled clearly frustrated. "I um.." he trailed off turning a light red. Iina's eyes widened a bit in realization. "Oh you're an absolute pig." she said sternly gripping his shirt tighter. He groaned grabbing her arm out of reflex. "I ought to just decapitate you right now" she said raising her sword again. "I-I um" he continued to stutter a bit stunned. She just glared at him getting a better grip. "If you refuse to follow rules you can suffer the consequences" she said sternly. "I need those wither skulls" he responded back in the same tone. "No you don't!" she exclaimed frustrated. "Yes I do." he responded aggressively. She shook her head going to swing at him. He grabbed her arm flipping her over. She yelped hitting the ground hard. He grabbed string from the wall tying her hand to it. She glanced at her hand then back at him. "Sorry darling, I told you I need those skulls" he said getting up. She was just at a loss of words in the moment. "You put up a good fight though" he said grabbing his sword. "YOU ASSHOLE!" she yelled pulling her hand forward. The string held her back from attacking. He just stared at the sword after hearing her yell. "YOU'D REALLY CHOOSE WHATEVER THE HELL YOU NEED WITH THOSE SKULLS OVER MOBS WHO HAVE LIVES?! IMPORTANT LIVES LIKE YOURS! YOU HAVE THE FUCKING PRIVILEGE TO LIVE" she continued to yell. "I'll kill the less important ones.. Alright?" he asked turning his head back slightly. "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES THAT MAKE?!" she yelled. "HOW IS THERE NO DIFFERENCE?" he yelled back turning. "ALL OF THEM HAVE IMPORTANT LIVES DIPSHIT! I DON'T JUST MEAN IN THE BOARD I MEAN EVERYONE. THEY DON'T. DESERVE. TO DIE." she yelled sitting on her knees. The string clearly hurt her arm but she continued on. "I'm sorry but I need these skulls. And some blaze isn't going to convince me otherwise." he said sternly. "You're an ass weasel." she said in the same tone. He turned back around sighing. "Maybe after this breezes over-" he was cut off. "WHAT DO YOU THINK?! THAT YOU GET THE SKULLS DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO WITH THEM AND I'LL LIKE YOU OR SOMETHING?!" she yelled. He just stood silent thinking it over. "I HATE YOU!" she yelled leaning forward. He just stared down at the lava getting a grip on his sword. "I fucking hate you." she said flopping back down. "Alright then." he said gently, walking off. She groaned desperately trying to get the string off her arm.

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