At Least We Can Trust Someone

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Everyone who had evacuated and us soon got to Gem Kingdom. Very recognizable banners stood high up at the enterence of the kingdom, Main Mob Order banners. People started settling down as residents of Gem Kingdom took care of them. Everyone was treated with beverages, food, and health care. I set Dena down breathing heavily on the floor. "Oh dear" someone said from beside us. I glanced over recognizing who it was, Ella. Even though Aaron was on Maylene's side Stacy still had control over her kingdom. "Hi Ella" I mumbled out sitting up. "Are you okay little one?" she asked kneeling in front of Dena. Dena just nodded slightly still in shock. "Were you hurt anywhere do you need water?" she continued to ask concerned. "I'm fine, really.. Just in shock" she mumbled hugging herself. "I can get you a blanket, do you need anything Summer?" Ella asked glancing at me. "No. I'm fine" I answered nodding a bit. "What the hell happened?" Neville asked running over to us. "Do you live under a rock?" Ella asked narrowing an eyebrow. "More important question is where did Echo go?" Skelly asked behind Neville. "That I don't know. Violetta just got me and Dena out, we couldn't find Nightmare, Echo, or the new time mask." I answered sighing deeply. "If Echo's dead I'm heading over there and killing Maylene myself" Skelly said sighing. "I understand you guys are worried but we cannot resort to violence. Unless they attack first we're going to keep it on the down low" Ella said sternly. "Well news spread quickly, we told everyone on our side. Some people from your group are coming to Gem Kingdom now Summer" Skelly said almost completely ignoring what Ella said. "That's a bit of a relief.." I mumbled out exhausted. "Oh another good news Iina got the portals back up! So if you guys wanna go straight home after this you can just talk to Laylani when she comes back or Astral" Neville added. "I think I'm going to stay here until I can assure everyone we adventured with is okay. I couldn't go back home to an empty house again" I answered frowning a bit. "For now just relax, soon we'll show people to a hotel or a rented house and you guys can rest comfortably. I'll try to find a room in the main building for you and Dena. In the meantime I'll get that blanket" Ella said getting up. She guided Skelly and Neville away leaving us alone. Dena curled herself up in a ball, I could tell she was tearing up again. "I hate this" she mumbled, her voice breaking a bit. I just sighed slowly pulling her into a hug. "We're going to end this Dena, you'll get your brother back" I reassured her. The truth was I didn't know if we'd end this, I didn't have much hope myself. "Promise?" Dena asked sniffling. I stood silent for a bit before holding her closer. "Promise."
   Soon enough more people arrived. Aether, Ace, Iina, and Stacy came from the house. Aether and Ace took Dena to hangout while Stacy and Iina stood behind. "Is Noah alright?" Stacy asked sitting down next to me. She didn't seem to care that her dress was getting dirty. "I don't know he didn't come to Earth Kingdom with us." I answered glancing down. "He's still in Time City?? Don't tell me he fought Jayne by himself" she asked worried. "He did, we don't know of he made it out" I said for what felt like the millionth time. "So two of the biggest regions have fallen" Iina concluded, rubbing her chin. "Is there any way for you to find the missing people Iina?? I also want to make sure Laylani and Violetta are okay" I said hopeful. "I'm not sure.. We can call a search in the morning Summer but no one knows where Time City is and we can't risk going back to Earth City" she said sighing. I just frowned a bit really hoping for some good news. "For now I'll stay in Gem Kingdom and we have the help from The Main Mob Order. You have me, Stacy, Neville, Skelly, and Jasmine to help. Aether and Ace are to keep Dena company so you won't have to worry about her as much" she explained giving me a slight smile. "It's getting dark- We can take you two to a room now" Stacy said helping me up. We regrouped with Dena and the rest finally heading into the kingdom. The camp slowly emptied as more people headed into the kingdom with us. Right now all we needed was a good sleep.

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