The Original Holder

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Aether stormed back to their base. He swung the door open, Shadow glance at him. "H-" she was cut off. "MY FUCKING MASK" he yelled slamming his hand on the table. Shadow flinched a bit. "You're still on your mask?? It was lost remember" she said playing it off. "THEN WHY DOES THAT FUCKING KID HAVE MY MASK" he yelled furious. "Who?!" Shadow obviously lied. "THAT FUCKING NIGHTMARE KID" he yelled. Shadow paused for a moment knowing they had met. "He better give me my fucking mask back, I SUCK WITHOUT IT" he yelled. "You died with the mask, it's not anyone's fault he got it" Shadow said. "What about you? You were still alive" he said. "You ran off without remember..." she said still trying to play it off. "Okay I don't care anymore, I'm getting my mask back tomorrow" he said sternly. "Fine" Shadow said going back to her book. In the morning I went to the market. Jk had fixed it yesterday. I harvested the animals then restocked the markets. I sighed standing at the meat market. I leaned on the counter tired. Just then I heard running. I sighed then stood up straight. "WHOO!" someone yelled hopping up. I walked out of the markets and went to the enterence of the wall. It was Bishir. He threw something at my head. "Ow, rude." I said picking it up. "Read it bozo" he said sternly. It was a book and quill, I opened it taking the quill out. "Bishir and Sync's wedding in a few days" it read. "What the hell" I said glancing up at Bishir. "Got a problem?" he asked. "No no" I said blandly. "Is this supposed to be an invitation?" I asked. "Yeah idiot, what else would it be" he said. I sighed kind of annoyed, he was like a man child. "I'll show it to the rest" I told him. "GOOD BOZO" he yelled. I forced a chuckle then walked away quickly. I went underground then closed the trapdoor behind me. I kept reading it over and over. No offense but who would marry him... I told the rest about it. They were shocked as well but we guess that we'd be there. Nightmare was the most confused and he looked disappointed as well. Ocean wanted to be the flower person so I guess I had to talk to them about that. The rest of the day was kind of chill. I was glad that Nightmare had calmed down a bit. We played games and such without any drama for now.

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