Completely Drained

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A few more weeks, maybe a month.. I'm not really keeping count now. A while has passed since the nether incident. None of the portals have came back up since then. I assumed the nether had just been completely destroyed. Still no signs of any of the people missing, now including Hela and Iina. I was sure Iina was dead but Day-Dream never came back in, just up and left. Probably with her body too but why would he run with a dead corpse? I guess that's a question for next time. I just walked down the stairs with no expression. The house was basically empty, everyone else had something to do. I really had nothing to do the whole day. I heard the door open and someone casually walk in. I quickly turned to see who it was hopeful, Aether. "Ugh." I said turning back to the counter. "Hi hi Summer" he said walking in cheerfully. "Why are you happy, no homework on Friday?" I asked. He just stood in place glaring at me. "Y'know if you weren't Summer I would've been mad" he said clearly offended. I just rolled my eyes pouring coffee. "No I'm happy cause I've been thinking~" he said skipping over to me. I practically ignored him trying to make breakfast in peace. "If Nightmare's gone does that mean you're open?" he asked. I just slowly glared at him then threw a bagel at his face. "Ow" he said frowning. "Never means never Aether" I said walking off. "But I'm 15 now-" he said picking up the bagel. "That's even worse" I said sitting down. He just frowned dusting the bagel off. "Do you know where Hela is by the way?" he asked taking a bite out. "Hela's been gone for a month and you're asking now?" I asked eating. "Well yeah" he said sitting down. I just shook my head chewing my food. "Don't worry about her.." I said setting my bagel down. "Don't ever worry about her again actually. She doesn't matter" I said dusting my hands off. "Did something happen?.." he asked gently. "Yes.. But it'll be alright. Nothing bad happened" I responded. "Well then where's Iina?" he asked. I just paused glaring at the table. "I haven't seen her either" he said clearly concerned. "She..may or may not be dead" I answered taking another bite out of the bagel. "What?! How??" he asked. "May or may not, that means we're not sure she's dead" I empathized. "How are you not sure?" he asked. "Her body was gone the next day" I answered. "This is all so confusing.." he said. "Well you don't have to worry about it.." I said getting up. "Are you alright?" he asked. I put my plate in the sink sighing. "Depends..have you heard from your brother?" I asked. "Which one?" he asked turning to face me. "Why would I be interested in Sync or Flamey" I said. "Oh- Well no I haven't heard from Nightmare in a while actually" he said rubbing his chin. I just rolled my eyes then walked to the stairs. "Wait but speaking of Nightmare" he said standing. I stopped on the first step glancing at him. "I have something to tell you" he said. "What is it?" I asked. "A few months ago I cau-" he was cut off by the door opening. "Hey guys!" Jk exclaimed carrying a bunch of stuff. "What's all that?" I asked. Aether seemed disappointed he was interrupted but there wasn't much I could do. "Just some blueprints to raise security, actually Summer if you could help me- Nightmare's been gone lately so I haven't had a building partner" he said walking to the stairs. "Uh yeah sure" I said moving out the way to let him up. "Bu-" Aether cut himself off watching us walk up. "I'm sorry Aether- But maybe you can tell me after this" I said walking upstairs. "Sure.." he said sighing.

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