Court Is In Order

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The cop drove up to my driveway. They opened the door letting me out. I stumbled out of the car annoyed. I crossed my arms walking along side them. We walked up to the porch as the main cop knocked on the door. I saw my dad's eye through the door window. His eyes widened as he got up to open the door. It swung open as he ran to hug me. I just kept the same expression unphased. "Thank you officers" he mumbled focused on hugging me. They gave their "you're welcome" then left. After a few minutes he led me inside. Once the door closed he smacked me over the head. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?! YOU COULD'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED!" he yelled frustrated. "Well I wasn't kidnapped I was doing the thing I wanted to that day.." I said plainly. "AND WHAT WAS THAT?" he asked. "Visiting my friend" I answered crossing my arms. "AND THAT FRIEND COULD'VE KIDNAPPED YOU!" he yelled. "But they didn't..?" I said with a bit of attitude in my tone. "Summer, don't play with me. You have already been kidnapped ONCE! SO YOU ARE STAYING HOME AND GIVING ME ALL YOUR DEVICES SO THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN AGAIN" he yelled holding his hand out. "Sure.. It's devices" I mumbled under my breath walking to get them. I still didn't know how to explain it to him but at this point I didn't care. I gave him my electronics then was sent to my room. I just layed there staring at the ceiling. I replayed the events of today then started laughing. I laughed more dropping my hand over my face. My head leaned back as I let out a small wheeze. Everything seemed so stupid to me and it was almost hysterical. I moved my hand down over my mouth sighing. I moved my other hand over my torso to catch my breath. The cops, my dad, them not understanding what I know made today a bit better. My smile slowly faded remembering what happened in the raid. Why did Nightmare try to fight the cop? He was most likely charged with assault now. My heart sank in guilt remembering now they had to go to court. I leaned my head back more sighing. Soon enough the day of court came. Me and my parents went as victims. They never let go of my hand basically keeping a death grip on me. The trial started as the hammer banged on the table. "Court is in session" the judge said as their voice boomed around the room. I glanced over at their side not noticing their lawyer. I looked around a bit confused, it was just them there? The judge started talking again as my focus snapped back. The usual routine of court went on I didn't really pay attention. Until my dad starting speaking. "I believe the suspect is guilty of kidnapping" he said leaning forward a bit. "I may object" Nightmare's mom said sternly. "Go on" the judge said politely. "As my son's laywer and mother" she started. My eyes widened a bit, I never would've thought his mom would be a lawyer. "The case never involved kidnapping. It was simply a daughter running from home. I would not say my family is guilty of all the while kidnapping. I have dealt with my bad blood so why would we inflict pain on another person? My son convinced the victim to go home if the cops were looking for her. It's unfair to say guilty without psychically knowing the situation at hand" she explained. "So you were aware the child was in your house ma'am?" the judge asked. "Yes miss" she said nodding. "Were you aware she had run away?" she then asked. "No I was not" she stated. "Was she forced into your home at any resort or did she come by choice?" she asked. "She came by choice ma'am I'm sure my son can confirm that" she answered. The judge just nodded along a bit before continuing. "May we call the victim to the stand" the judge asked holding her hand out. I paused a bit glancing around then got up. I walked over stepping up and sitting at the side table. "Do you promise to tell the truth and only the truth?" she asked me. "Yes of course" I answered glancing up at her a bit. "Now you hid from the police twice before finally giving yourself up, are you positive you showed no signs of retaliation when being taken to the suspect's house?" she asked gently. "No ma'am, I chose to run away and we didn't have bad intentions in doing so. They didn't know I had ran away I just wanted to visit them" I answered a bit fed up with the same question. "But you had hid from the cops? Why?" she asked. I just stood silent for a bit staring at where my parents were. "I didn't wanna go back" I answered truthfully. "Did you not want to or were you kept there?" she asked. I glanced up at her then sighed deeply. "I did not want to, it was my choice to not go back. The "suspect" did convince me to go back home if the cops were looking for me" I answered. "The answers aren't adding up why would she randomly just not want to come home?" someone asked. "Their not guilty of kidnapping!" I yelled standing. "Alright alright" the judge said calming us down. I just glared at the person before sitting back down. "How long have you known the suspect to be comfortable enough to stay with him?" she asked. "Over a year" I answered. "What is your relationship status with the suspect?" she asked. "Significant other" I answered plainly. I noticed my dad's eyes widen a bit in both shock and anger. I just glared at him unphased. The judge just nodding putting the pieces together. "I will ask you again, is there an exact reason why you did not want to come home?" she asked genuinely thinking I was lying. "Judge I assure you I am telling the truth. I wouldn't lie about this if it were really serious, it was just a normal father daughter argument and I ran away to see my boyfriend. He did not force me to come over, we made plans to see each other beforehand, we talked before going to his house, I had the absolute right to answer no, I chose to go and stay over, he offered for me to go home after a day and after the cops came the first time, I chose to stay afterwards." I answered with a bit of attitude annoyed that they thought I was lying. "And there's no specific reason that you didn't want to go home" she asked sternly. "No, there was no specific reason further then awkward tension of an argument" I answered in the same tone. The judge sighed deeply nodding more enthusiastically this time. "You may be seated" she said sitting up straight. I nodded standing and walking back to where my parents were. "We're going to have another talk when we get home." my dad mumbled aggressively pulling me back down. I just glared at him rolling my eyes a bit. "Now there's another case to consider in this problem, assault of goverment authorities" the judge explained moving on from the kidnapping. I could sense a bit of shock from their side. "Miss Myers was or wasn't your son responsible for the assault of a police officer attempting twice?" she asked looking up to glance at her. Nightmare's mom sighed deeply closing her eyes. She gently nodding seeming terrfied to admit it. "I'll have to admit he was" she stated a bit of sadness and disappointment in her tone. "So I consider the suspect of this case innocent of kidnapping, but guilty of assault" she said banging the govel again. "Sentenced to a year in prison" she said continuing to bang the govel. My eyes widened in a bit of shock. As Nightmare was taken away the court starting emptying. The judge left after assuring Nightmare was gone. As the place started to empty more my parents decided to go. Keeping the death grip on me dragging me out of the court.

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