Resting day

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I sat on the mountain kind of bored. I didn't know what to do for the rest of the day. I decided to get up and walk around. I walked along the mountains wondering where to go. Then I remembered how we blew up Flamey's base. I decided to go see how they were doing. I walked at a pretty slow pace. When I reathed the mountain beside the crater I sat at the edge. The land was half filled in and they were sleeping outside. They had roofs over their head but it looked cheap. I just smiled, I didn't know why I felt happy knowing they were suffering now. Just then I felt sometjing cold against my chin. I tilted my head just sitting there still, unbothered by it. "You have some nerve being here" Lenny said. "Mhm" I said plainly. "YOU KILLED TWO OF OURS MOBS" he yelled at me frustrated. "SO NOW YOU KNOW HOW WE FEEL" I yelled back. I let my emotions get the best of me but I didn't care. "TWO RIGHTS DON'T MAKE A FUCKING WRONG" he yelled still. "OH YEAH GIVE ME A VELVET CLOTH WITH THAT PHRASE" I said standing up. "YOU GUYS FUCKING BLEW UP OUR SHIT WHEN WE DID NOTHING TO YOU" I continued. He grabbed my throat and pushed me into the cobble stone. I raised my leg up then kicked his arm. I kneed him in the stomach and pushed him off. "OW" he yelled. I grabbed my sword and went to swing at him. Bishir slid in front and our swords collided with each other. I was on their base, I had to get out of here. I kicked at Bishir's wrist then ran. He fell down then got up and chased after me. I was close to reaching the end of mountain. It was a long jump down, I wouldn't make it. I placed a tnt down, then quickly turned and shot at Bishir. He slowed down a bit giving me time to get out. The tnt blew up and launched me through the air. I landed on the other mountain in pain. My ears rang and my body felt so much pressure. I just lied there with my arm over my eyes. I dropped my arm and looked to the side. Lenny had caught up with Bishir and the two stood there. Bishir looked frustrated. I forced myself to get up, I didn't wanna pass out still near them. I limped across the mountain with my bow still in hand. This was not at all a resting day. I made it back to our mountain. My body ached as my legs went numb. I still forced myself to walk. Just then I saw Nightmare running up the mountain. He had his mask over his face. I went to say his name but he ran into me on accident. That did it for me, I was out cold.

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