Fall of the Nether 2

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I just blanked out shocked at the recent news. Deima continued to carry me getting close to the surface. A bang sounded scaring the both of us. I glanced back noticing flashes of purple. Something hit the wall causing it to fall faster. "PATHETIC!" I heard a girl yell. "Can you get me over there?" I asked Deima. "Are you sure?" she asked. I nodded confident about my choice. "Alright then" she said turning around. I saw the guy slide through the what used to be a warped forest. I assumed it was Day-Dream because of the purple fire. He held Iina in his arms glaring at the floating figure. As Deima got me closer I decided to see who the floating figure was. "Hela?" I asked to myself recognizing her. I was suprised she was the one to throw Iina into the lava. "Are you gonna be alright?" Deima asked getting me to the forest. I nodded then gave her a reassuring smile. "Stay safe" she said dropping me from a decent height. I focused on sticking the landing not noticing anything else. I felt something hit me hard hitting me through the air. I hit the landing hard sliding through the sand. I fell to a kneeling position trying to stop myself from hitting the wall. "You guys are so fucking annoying like constant insects" Hela said noticing me. Day-Dream looked back seeming puzzled why I was there. "Right now we're on the same team" I told him figuring he was gonna attack me eventually. "Then make yourself useful." he said sternly tossing Iina to me. My eyes widened as I caught her. "Asshole" I mumbled standing up. "Get her out of here" he ordered. Multiple strikes of purple came right for Day-Dream lighting up the sky. My eyes widened avoiding one of them. He slid back torwards me trying to dodge the attacks. I grabbed his sleeve pulling up behind a fallen tree. I pulled him down to cover tightening my grip on Iina. "DIE!" Hela yelled continously striking the tree. "So far you already suck at following MY ORDERS" Day-Dream yelled at me. I sighed deeply quickly smacking him over the head. "You  evaporated our house with withers so you listen to my fucking orders now" I said already annoyed by him. "That's not in my rulebook" he said hopping up. He blasted fire countering all of Hela's attacks. She striked down another blast trying to hit him. "It'd help me if you GOT HER OUT OF HERE" he yelled teleporting ahead. He swung down at Hela blasting fire throughout the nether. I groaned deciding to finally listen to him. I got up running as fast as I could. I went onto the ledge trying to get back to Deima and Daniel's tunnels. I moved to the side quickly moving through. One of Hela's blast hit the wall as rumbling started. All the netherrack on the top started falling down the ledge. My eyes widened as I tried to dodge most of the debris. I slipped off catching onto the ledge with one hand. I held onto Iina tight with the other dangling over lava. I groaned trying to use one arm to lift myself up. I got my leg up throwing Iina over. I used my other arm to climb up then picked Iina back up. I glanced through the tunnel but all the debris was in the way. I sighed knowing no other way to get around. A blast of fire hit the wall of the tunnel right above me. A gust of wind went by as Day-Dream hit the wall. I flinched moving out of the way. He groaned trying to get back up. "Having some trouble?" I asked teasing him. His eyes widened as he quickly glanced at me. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?!" he yelled. "GEE SORRY THE FUCKING TUNNELS ARE BLOCKED" I yelled back pointing to the tunnel entrance. "YOU HUMANS ARE SO FUCKING NEEDY" he yelled getting up. He picked me up effortlessly then teleported through the nether. Hela continued to attack him but he teleported away each time. "You can't fight Hela" I stated glancing at him. "Watch me" he said dodging another one of her attacks. I hit him again hoping it would knock some sense into him. "If you hit me one more time I will drop you into the lava." he said sternly. "I mean she's too powerful to fight" I explained. "We'll see about that, just get the fuck out of here and if I see your ugly face around here again I'll snap your fat neck" he said teleporting to a ledge. I kicked him back hopping to my feet. "A-" he let out glaring at me. I flipped him off then walked away with Iina. I climbed up the wall reaching the nether fortress again. I ran through the open space to the portal. "Please please please please please" I repeated trying to get through the portal as soon as possible. A blast came through the wall knocking me off my feet. I rolled through the sand making sure to not let go of Iina. "I'm going to need Iina, Summer." Hela said climbing through the hole she made. I got up to a sitting postion shaking my head. "You don't wanna fucking mess with me!" she said a hint of craziness in her eyes. A blast of fire went straight into her hitting her back. "You'll have to get through me first" Day-Dream said landing to his feet. I heard groaning from nearby. I glanced around then glanced down. Iina blinked glancing around as well. "Oh my god you're not dead" I said knowing she was already confused. She narrowed her eyebrows groaning again. "No I'm not.." she whispered. "We gotta get out of here thou-" before I could finish my sentence I was hit back. I slid through the sand hitting my head on a rock. "I'm gonna need my sister." Hela repeated, no tone of mercy in her voice. I just layed there too exhausted to carry on at this point. I heard continued fighting relieved to know Hela was distracted. I felt a weight lifted from my arms as I just closed my eyes. "Summer you said it we need to get out of here" Iina said lifting me up. She ran ahead sneaking around Hela and Day-Dream. "Just get to the overworld" I mumbled opening my eyes again. Another strike hit Iina causing us both to fall. I rolled to my feet quickly coming to my instincts. "You guys are too annoying" Hela groaned laughing a bit. She seemed completely crazy now. Day-Dream tried to get a hit on her but she used her powers to keep him back. The thing wrapped around his neck choking him. I picked Iina up then went to run to the portal. Hela hit me down again choking me now. I used my foot to try and push the thing off my neck. "You've gravely disappointed me now sister. Having these weaklings protect you and come between our affairs" Hela said coming down. "TOUCH HER AND YOU'RE DEAD!" Day-Dream yelled trying to struggle out. Hela just laughed at his threat dismissing it completely. Hela grabbed Iina's hand before she could complete her attack. She held on tighter as a crack sounded from her hand. A sword came from above missing Hela completely. Day-Dream continued to punch and kick at the thing choking him. "If you're so bothered then you two can watch me properly kill Iina!" Hela exclaimed smiling. Iina hopped up pinning Hela down. She grabbed her sword out swinging down at her. Hela blasted her back kicking her far out. Before she could fall Hela teleported grabbing her by the neck. She kicked Hela in the torso barely inflicting any damage. "Good-bye sister" she said dropping her into the lava again. My eyes widen trying to get out again. Hela just laughed clearly amused by the situation. "Oh for a big complainer you're awfully quiet Day-Dream~" she teased turning to face him. He just stayed still refusing to look at her. "Are you swad?" she asked trying to piss him off. Small flickers of lightning came from Day-Dream's palms. Hela slowly narrowed her eyebrows noticing it as well. Purple fire surrounded him slowly burning through the thing holding him in place. "That's cute" Hela said not impressed by the scene. He took a deep breath as his grip tightened. The fire quickly turned to white snapping the chokehold. Fire quickly flew through Hela's blasts freeing me as well. "DIE!" Day-Dream yelled blasting fire at the walls. Hela's eyes widened, fear finally seeming to hit her. He swung fast creating an explosion around them. Bright white fire lit up the nether blinding me. I glanced away covering my eyes. A loud bang sounded as rumbling started again. The light slowly went away allowing me to see again. I glanced over seeing a bit dent in the wall where Hela was hit to. All the netherrack started falling into the lava bringing Hela with it. Day-Dream blasted into the lava then teleported out grabbing me. My eyes widened not being able to comprehend the situation right now. He pulled me into the portal quickly as silence surrounded me again.

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