We're getting out of Here (Short chapter)

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I woke up and fell on the ground. "Ow-" I said. I looked around then noticed Nightmare was gone. I got up and went to open the trapdoor. I noticed that the trapdoor was replaced with grass, and the ground had less explosion holes in it. I broke the grass and saw the staircase still. I slipped inbetween the hole and placed the dirt back. I walked downstairs kind of confused. Harly turned her head then waved. "Hello" Blade said. He was playing cards with Wolfie. "So we're just living underground now?" I asked them. "Yeah Nightmare said we should" Harly responded. "I mean most our stuff was down here anyways and we have mulitple rooms" Blade said. I just shrugged, "Yeah". I looked around for a bit, there was no sign of Matthew. The rest of the day was kind of boring. Nightmare was gone for the whole day, and Matthew didn't come out his room. Me, Blade, and Wolfie played cards most of the time. It was really gloomy. Like the greif was pulling us down again. "Do you guys know where Nightmare is?" I asked sitting up. "Oh he's setting traps" Wolfie responded. They got up and walked across the room. "The hallway is right here" they said pointing to it. I got up and walked over to them. I looked into the hallway. "Traps for what though?" I asked. "He found the stronghold so to make sure no one follows him he's setting tnt traps" Blade explains from the table. I just nodded. We were closer to leaving now. I know I've been wanting to leave but it seems so sad, if there is a real life would we even know each other? And would we mean the same to each other.

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