Carrying Out The Plan

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The last thing Nightmare said he didn't know how much he could trust me now. I didn't blame him but I was working with Echo for a good thing. I didn't fully trust her either but she would've killed me by now, I know her. Nightmare shifted back to real life. I thought for a moment about how we were going to do this. Until then I hung out with Ocean for a bit. We laughed until a loud foghorn sounded. Ocean covered his ears then glanced up. "What the fuck?" I asked getting up. I walked up the stairs. There was a group of people walking. A piece of paper fell from the sky. "Pillagers!" was all it read. "See how well you can fight" one of them said moving the cloth off their eyes. Their eyes had a light gold to them. They seemed like a real player. They were holding a pole with a banner attached to it. I sighed then pulled my sword out. One of them took the first shot. I ducked underneath then swung cutting one of them. I went to attack the main one. She grabbed the pole then hit me in the stomach. "OW" I yelled ducking underneath. I killed the last one then pulled at the main ones feet. She ended up dropping the banner then paused. "Now you've done it" she said. She pulled out double swords then clipped her cloak off. She ran to me then swung. I hopped over her then kicked her in the back. She cartwheeled back then swung at me again. I ducked down then paused. She threw both her swords at me then landed on her feet. I dodged one but the other pulled on my sleeve. I slid back then glanced at her. She placed the cloth back over her eyes then grabbed my sword. She flipped it handing it to me. I paused then slowly grabbed it. "Being a Pillager is a disguise" she explained grabbing both her swords back. I nodded slightly then stood up. She placed both swords back into the slots then grabbed her cloak. "So you're not gonna kill me?" I asked. She shook her head. "I know control, I wanted to meet more players!" she exclaimed. "For what?.." I asked. "Follow me" she said putting her cloak back on. She started walkinf away. "Um...okay" I said following her.

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