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  For a whole day I just stood the room I was given by Astral. Stacy came up throughout the day to try to feed me or just check-up but I didn't wanna get out of bed. A perfectly good steak sat on the beside table but I just turned the other way. I laid in silence for a few minutes before heading to sleep for the night.
   Morning quickly came as I felt someone shaking me. I groaned finally opening my eyes to see who it was. "Summer, Summer, the four finally came!" Dena exclaimed smiling. I was too tired to react but I felt immediately relieved when I heard that. Dena ran out giving me time to actually take care of myself. I got dressed then headed out the door following Dena down. We ran past Violetta's flower shop running through the kingdom. The town was even more packed now that there were more people. We tried not to bump into anyone but moved quickly. At the front Reliane was helping Noah walk to a chair. Nightmare and Echo seemed unharmed while Laylani and Violetta stood by Iina. I quickly ran to Nightmare hugging him aggressively. "Whoa-" he said stumbling back a bit. "Aww, I have no one" Echo said glancing around in front of her. "We would've gotten here sooner but we escaped the building then decided to look for Noah. He was like a few yards outside of Time City trying to get away, and his dumbass already used timestop so he couldn't get here through time" Reliane explained glaring at Noah. "I don't care as long as you guys are here" I said kissing Nightmare. Astral was treating Violetta's wounds while we talked. She seemed way more injured then Laylani. Stacy just scolded Noah for making a stupid decision. "How was it?" I asked glancing at Violetta. "Hm?" she asked glancing up at me. "The fight" I added. "Kinda sucked, Laylani did most of the work cause I got my ass kicked. Aaron finally came down and did some damage" she said wincing at Astral's dab. "We could always just get Day-Dream to kill her again y'know" Nightmare joked. I just chuckled shaking my head at how dark that was. I knew the three didn't get it but we weren't going to explain it. We took the rest of the day to settle them in, before actually talking about what had happened over the past week. The Main Mob Order remained at the front taking in any late survivors and to protect the front gate. A barrier was soon set around the kingdom mid afternoon. It was very similar to the same barrier Laylani used when Ella had attacked. Everyone was set in their own place around the main building before the rest of the day resumed.

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