The Two Team Up

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Echo walked away afterwards thinking. "Hello" Shadow said catching up to her. "Hey girly." she said sternly. Shadow paused then walked normally. "When are we gonna try to break them up?" she asked. "I'm not sure" Echo said, "Maybe soon". "I have something to do tomorrow so maybe after?" she asked. "We can disguise it in an attack, you're the savior" Echo said nodding. "Sounds like a plan" Shadow said. "Ugh" Echo said walking to the right. "I-" she blurted out watching her walk away. She walked back then shut the door behind her. "Hi Echo" Lenny said. "WHO THE FUCK LET HIM IN" Echo yelled. "I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT HE DID AND HE ARGREED TO PLAY UNO" Neville yelled. "MY GOD" Echo yelled walking to her room. She slammed the door behind. "She must be stressed" Ivy said gently. Skelly glared at Ivy, "Definitely". The next few days I woke up. Nightmare hadn't come back. I got up then climbed up. When i came up it looked completely different. There was a stair case on the sides of the crater. The crater was craved out into a space and filled with stone. There was a glass dome over it, and there were hallways in the staircases. It looked way better. I saw Jk finish up the decorations on the main floor. "This looks hella nice" I said walking towards him. "Oh thanks!" he exclaimed fixing the vase. Footsteps came from behind. "Whoa" they said. I turned and saw it was Nightmare. "Yeah" Jk said standing up straight. "It looks cool" Nightmare said walking to us. "I see you got your mask back" I said. "Mhm, could I talk to you for a moment" Nightmare said. "I'll go" Jk said walking away. I sat down and grabbed one of the cookies on the table. I took a small bite. "So I uh, heard you've been talking to Echo on the outside" Nightmare started. I paused for a moment slightly choking on the cookie. I coughed then cleared my throat. "Um" I muttered out. "Why is that" he continued. "Cause I'm just better" someone said walking in. Nightmare groaned then got up and turned. "See you got your stuff fixed" Echo said. Nightmare ran and swung. Echo hopped back then built a wall between them. "What's the rush?" she asked smiling. "The quicker I kill you the quicker we won't have to deal with you anymore." Nightmare said hopping over the wall and swinging again. They just sort of fought. I finished the cookie then got up. Someone shot from above, I assumed it was Skelly. I dodged then glanced up, but it wasn't Skelly. Shadow hopped down the ran towards me. I hopped over the table as she swung. She hopped up jumping over the couch then swung again. I hopped back in shock. Why was she fighting me? She hopped over then swung again. I ducked down then rolled back. She shot another arrow then ran to me. I dodged then pushed up kicking her back.  She stumbled back then quickly ran. She ran on the wall then threw her sword at me. I fell back barely missing the blade. She kicked off then went to kick me. Out of breath I ducked down then grabbed her leg. She fell barely hitting her head. I threw her then breathed heavily. I didn't know she could quick attack. She kicked off the wall then grabbed her sword. She bounced on the couch then threw the sword at me again. I ducked down then grabbed her sword. I landed on my feet then stood up straight. She landed then ran at me. I ducked down then kicked her back. I hopped up then swung at her. I barely cut her before she rolled out the way. She bled out a bit then glared at me. I glanced at Nightmare. He hopped over the couch shooting an arrow at Echo. Echo kicked him back then sat on the couch. Shadow ran then went to headbutt me. I hopped over her then landed on my feet. "Whoa whoa whoa" Echo said standing up. Shadow glanced at her confused. "Who the hell are you fighting?" Echo asked. "Summer, who the hell are you fighting" she responded. "Nightmare wha-" she realized it. "We teamed up to fight different people." Shadow said sternly. Echo smiled, "Well then watch this". She kicked Nightmare back then sizzled. Shadow ran then pulled Echo off. She hopped over the couch pulling Echo above her. Echo blew up in the air. "What the fuck" I mumbled. Nightmare glanced at me then got up. Shadow fell on the ground coughing. The smoke travelled through the air. Echo landed further away. "That backfired huh" Nightmare said smiling. He jumped over the couch then threw his sword at Echo. She yelled and hold her side. Shadow ran then swung at her. Echo blew up again in defense. Shadow flew back but landed on her feet. She ran at Echo again. Echo pulled the sword out of her side then kept it held. Shadow jumped up cutting herself with tne sword. "OW!" she yelled. She hopped to the side then ran into Echo. Echo fell back then rolled out the way. She blew up boosting herself to the stairs. "I'm not trying to fucking die." she said sternly. She stumbled up the stairs. "YOU BITCH!" Shadow yelled throwing her sword as hard as she could. She breathed heavily resting her arm. "I have to say Shadow tought opponent" I said. "And why were you trying to kill Summer?" Nightmare asked. She just laughed then dashed off. She hopped over the couch then kicked me back. "OW" I yelled ducking down. She hopped over me then flipped going to kick me. I hopped foward then got up. She landed on her feet then shot an arrow at me. I ducked down then scooted back near Nightmare. "WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled. Shadow just glared at me. "Okay what's happening?" Nightmare asked. Shadow ignored him and dashed towards me again. I hopped over the couch and landed on my ankle. I fell back still extremely confused. She slid back then ran to me again. "Okay stop" Nightmare said trying to grab her. She slid underneath then pushed up kicking me. She pulled back the string then shot an arrow where I was going to land. I put my hands out then pushed off missing the arrow. I grabbed it then threw it at her purposely missing. Nightmare held her back. "What the hell are you doing??" he asked. Shadow just stared at me still. It felt familiar, the same look when Echo was jealous of Nightmare. So that's what this was all about. "Nothing" Shadow said. "I'll need this though" she added. She kicked herself up then grabbed Nightmare's mask. She climbed onto his back then kicked him down. "OW" he yelled. "You're not responsible with it" she said stepping back. She put the mask on then walked away. I ran after her then hopped up. I met her at the top of the stairs then grabbed the mask back. I hopped over her slipping through the crack and going back into the crater. She paused then glanced back. I smiled then waved to her. She looked frustrated and I knew I was pushing her buttons.

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