Settling in (Different POV)

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  "So, you're a time mask?" Laylani asked rubbing her chin. "Mhm! The one and only!" Reliane exclaimed smiling. "Can we stop talking about random stuff? What are we going to do about this war?" Violetta asked glancing around the room. "War? I wouldn't consider this a war right??" Reliane asked. "No.. it's most definitely a second war." Laylani answered gently. "Second?" Reliane asked raising an eyebrow. "The first one was Electric Kingdom vs Stacy's village, now it involves all of us" Violetta explained briefly. "So you've fought the same people then?" Reliane asked glancing at Noah. Noah just shook his head glaring at the ground. "It was only Aaron and three retired masks. I expected Maylene to be on her side because they've had a contract since Electric Kingdom's isolation. But I never would've guessed Anton and Jayne would be on her side" he answered. "And Anton survived the last battle right?" Stacy asked frowning. "If anything he was stronger then me" Violetta answered frowning. "Their group does contain some of the strongest masks. I'm not sure how the outcome will come of this war" Laylani added sighing. "Well what is our strategy?" Reliane asked. "Nothing" Laylani answered sternly. "What?!" Stacy exclaimed. "We do nothing, just play defense. If they attack first we attack back but we never asked for this war. I do not wish to hurt Anton and I'm sure Jayne doesn't want to hurt Ace. So as long as our kingdoms remain safe we won't rush battle. We'll demand the repair of Time City and Reliane can set a second zone there. Since their City is bigger then our Kingdom we can split survivors between the two" Laylani explained to the group. "I can take in some people, my village has been pretty empty and we provide food and shelter. The Main Mob order is also nearby so people can feel more secure" Stacy explained. "Electric Kingdom's also on our side since Stacy rules over it now" Noah added. "Yes but I'm positive Aaron is coming for that spot back soon" Laylani said frowning a bit. "Well Ella is still the lead of the Board of Order so I think we'll be alright" Stacy said smiling. "Well I'm gonna go, this got boring fast" Reliane said yawning. "Good night Reliane! Get some rest" Stacy exclaimed waving happily. She nodded walking down the stairs of the building.
     Ella stood on the roof of a building staring out at the main square. "It's a beautiful view isn't it?" someone asked from behind her. She glanced back a bit unbothered of what she had said. "I'm starting to love it here if I'm being honest" Reliane said stepping to the edge. "Finally found me?" Ella asked sighing. "Took a while I must say! But you could never run from me so quickly, sister" she exclaimed smiling. Ella stood in silence unbothered to look at her. "I'd like to say we'd never betray each other like what happened this week. I'm hoping you'd keep the same promise.." Reliane mumbled frowning. "I suppose." Ella answered glancing down. "Loosen up a little! You're so tense" she exclaimed putting an arm around her. "You're always so energetic." Ella said sternly. "That's one of my greatest qualities" she said smiling more. Silence soon fell over the two as the sun set. "It's nice to know we're on the same side again" Reliane said glancing at Ella. "I guess I'm relieved too" she answered smiling.

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