Back to our not so much Speedrun

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I was sitting on the stairs of a nether fortress waiting for more Blazes to spawn. We decided to find a end portal before leveling up armor and stuff. As I was retracing steps in my minds I heard voices again. "That's so cool!" Deima exclaimed. "Yeah I know" Nightmare said laughing. I just rolled my eyes. I was sick of the nether at this point. Daniel just laughed. I picked my head up to glance at him. "Sick of those two huh?" he asked already glaring back at me. "Eh" I responded placing my sword on the floor. "Deima really likes new people now" he added. "I don't like hate her, she's cool" I said. "Yeah I know" he responded. I just nodded questioning this whole conversation. "Nightmare looks kind of...familar" he continued. I glanced at him again. "Huh?" I asked so confused now. "I think I've met him before" he responded. Just then another Blaze spawned in. I just threw my sword at it's head and it faded away. Blaze rods fell on the floor. Daniel raised his eyebrows then focused back on the Blaze spawner. I picked up the Blaze rods then sat back on the floor. I heard laughing from behind us. I glanced back and saw Deima putting Nightmare's hair in a bun. "Y'know I think we have enough blaze rods. I'm getting sick of the humidity" I said loud enough. They both glanced at me. "Oh alright" Deima said letting Nightmare's hair loose. Nightmare patted his hair down then hopped off the roof. "Bye guys" Daniel said getting up. "You're not coming to the portal with us?" Nightmare asked. "No, we have a nether mob meeting or whatever to go to" Deima answered. "Oh okay, well bye guys" Nightmare said. "Bye!" Deima exclaimed picking up Daniel then floating away. Nightmare sighed in relief. I just sighed in frustrastion. "Can we go now?" I asked getting up. "Oh yeah, let's go" he said walking down the stairs. He really sucks at picking up context clues. We finally made it back to the portal. It was a silent walk the whole way. "What time is it?" I asked to break the silence. Nightmare pulled a clock out of his bag and hit it. "Effected by the nether" he responded. I just nodded then walked into the portal with no hesitation. Nightmare paused there confused. I made it back to the overworld then stopped. Nightmare came out of the portal afterwards. It was so awkward. We both walked upstairs. Nightmare paused holding me back. I glanced at him then glanced up. There was a big fire trailing through the marketplace. I was at a loss for words.

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