New People Again

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I woke up to a loud ringing sound. I groaned knowing it was those idiots again. I got up then walked outside. Nightmare, Blade, and Jk were already outside. "What the hell" I said coming behind them. "GOOD MORNING GUYSS" Bishir yelled from the mountain. Jk stuck up the middle finger at them. "Wow so serious" Bishir said smiling. Flamey and a mob was there. It was their spider mob Lani, he introduced me and Echo to her a while ago. There was another guy though, we've never seen him before. He had a red hoodie and split hair. "OH i see you noticed our new member Summer" Bishir said. I glared at him annoyed. "This is Sync" he said pointing at him. The three of them glanced at Bishir. He slowly looked up at them. Flamey snatched the megaphone from him. "Aww" he said putting his head down. Flamey spoke in the megaphone. "Listen here Nightmare" Flamey said. We all glanced at him. "WHAT?" Nightmare asked. "We can settle this without no traps, suprises, or extra shit." he started. "Or we can continue attacking you guys until we prove who's better" he said smiling. "...He's kind of hot" I blurted out. We all stared at each other. I cleared my throat, "And how is this gonna work?". Nightmare still glared at me. I glanced at him twice then smiled. "Simple, just us and swords" he said briefly. "Alright let's do it" Jk said crossing his arms. "Um yeah" Blade said smiling. The guy named Sync took the first shot. The barrier blocked the arrow. "Yeah you have to come down here cause we have that" I said walking to the left. "Bozos😹👎" Bishir said. Sync pushed him then went down the mountain. "Ow" Bishir said following him. I checked in the stone tower making sure they didn't have more creepers. I looked around checking for spawners. "Alright good" I said to myself. I heard a sword swing from behind. I ducked then met my sword with theirs. It was Lani. I glanced up and saw spider webs lined against the windows. She moved her leg and stabbed me in the side. I cut it off then pulled it out. I shuttered then threw it. I kicked her back then swung. She used her other leg and used it as a sword, then stabbed me in the side again. "OW" I yelled cutting it again. Bishir came from behind and swung at me. I slid underneath then kicked him down. "FUCK YOU" Bishir yelled. I stumbled back then heard another sword. I ducked and fell to the ground. "Sorry Summer" Jk said fighting Flamey. Sync glanced at me then took his sword out. I kicked at his leg then got up. He tripped and the moment he found his footing again Bishir ran out. He bumped into Sync making both of them fall. I laughed then ran out to the front of the house again. "Get up you idiots!" Lani exclaimed hopping over Bishir's legs. Sync and Bishir glanced at each other then got up. Jk and Nightmare were fighting Flamey. I hopped over a small wall. Blade swung hitting Lani into the wall. She yelped holding the sword so it wouldn't stab her. Someone threw something hitting me in the head. "Who the hell" I said. I felt frustrated for some reason. Sync shot an arrow at me. I ducked underneath then kicked Bishir into Sync. "CAN YOU STOP DOING THAT-" Sync yelled dropping his bow. I picked his bow up then held an arrow. "ALRIGHT THAT'S IT FATHERLESS BITCH" Bishir yelled standing up. "....WHAT" Sync said confused. He tried to swing at me. I ducked down then shot at his leg. "OW" he said almost falling. Sync caught him then let him down. "IDIOT" Sync yelled. I laughed obnoxiously mocking Bishir. Sync kicked at his bow throwing it into the air. He went to go grab it but I hopped up grabbing it from him again. I landed on his back pushing him down. "We are seriously not getting our asses beat by a girl" Bishir said. Sync rolled his eyes then pulled out his sword stabbing me in the tail. "OW" I yelled, I knew I was taking a big risk considering I couldn't respwan again. I kneed him in the back then pulled his sword out my tail. "This sucks" Sync said turning. I got up pointing his sword at him. Blade hopped over the wall. Lani was nearly down but she was still energetic. She went to go swing at Blade. I threw Sync's sword at her. She yelled after it hit her in the shoulder. "THANKS SUMMER" Blade yelled kicking Lani back. Bishir got up then tried to stab me with the arrow. I ducked down pulling his shoe. "FUCK" Bishir yelled falling. I grabbed the arrow sticking it in his leg. Sync grabbed the bow and went to shoot at me. I fell back hitting Sync down as well. "Boys this is kind of easy" I said teasing them. "FUCK OFF" Bishir yelled frustrated. I grabbed the bow from Sync again then shot at him. Bishir fell back getting hit in the leg again. "WHY THE FUC-" he yelled. "Aww that's so cute" I said teasing Bishir more. I shot Sync in the head. The piece of paper fell from the sky. "You bitch" Bishir said. I smiled then shot Bishir. His piece of paper fell as well. "I COULD USE SOME HELP" Flamey yelled turning. He noticed Sync and Bishir's pieces of papers. "Aw crap" he said. Nightmare went to swing at him. Flamey pushed his sword into Nightmare's chest. His eyes widened. Jk pulled him back stabbing Flamey. Both their pieces of papers fell from the sky. "Luckily it wasn't one of us, he can respawn" Jk said. I nodded then chuckled. Lani climbed up onto the wall injured. "I can't respawn so I'll back off" she said. Her voice sounded really calm and gentle. "This was fun" she said smiling. She hopped off the wall then ran up the mountain. I sighed exhausted.

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