Trust is broken on all four sides

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With Riska dead and Aether hanging out with Hela it's been kind of chill. Nightmare and Echo had been arguing less and it's been pretty fun. We finally got Hailey out of the world, we found another end portal. Hela let Hailey win letting her back to the real world. I walked back saying bye to Hela. She went her own way as I went back to the house. I saw Echo walking into the house. I walked through the already opened door slowing to a stop. "Get away from me" Nightmare said stepping over the table. I sighed wondering what the fuck happened now. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Echo yelled. "WHY DO YOU ALSO HANG OUT WITH LITERALLY ALL OF OUR ENEMIES" Nightmare said. "NIGHTMARE, I DON'T WANNA HANG OUT WITH THEM. THEY ALL KNOW WHERE I LIVE, YOU DON'T THINK I'VE TRIED GETTING RID OF HIM" she yelled. "I AM TIRED OF EXCUSES. I'M TIRED OF SUMMER STICKING UP FOR YOU, YOU CAN'T BE TRUSTED!" Nightmare yelled. "I DON'T WANT YOU TO FUCKING TRUST ME, I TOLD YOU THAT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO LIKE ME. YOU JUST HAVE TO ACCEPT THE FACT THAT SOME PEOPLE DO." she yelled. "WELL IT'S CLEARLY A MISTAKE TO LIKE YOU AT ALL" he said. "WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER WITH YOU?!" Echo yelled walking closer. Nightmare kicked at her swinging. She ducked under, falling. Nightmare sighed glaring at her. He went to go swing at her. Echo put her hands out to stop him but ended up putting her hands back. Nightmare's eyes widened realizing she let him swing. "FUCK" I yelled running out. Nightmare had already let his sword down. I slid across the floor pausing. I just sat there in shock. Nightmare glanced at me realizing I saw that. "Summer" he started still holding his sword. I got up going upstairs. "Where are you going?" he asked. "Out" I said sternly. He sighed dropping his sword, just glaring at Echo. I shifted to the real world walking out. It was late at night already. I put my coat on sneaking out. I walked to Historia science center. There was a spot Echo showed me that she'd sneak off to when arguing with Historia. I climbed up groaning. I flopped onto the floor exhausted. I opened my eyes then glanced ahead. I saw Echo sitting on the edge. I got up walking to them. "H-" I was cut off. "HOLY FUCK" she yelled flinching. I chuckled sitting next to her. "So uh, I'm dead" she said glancing ahead. I nodded slightly replaying the moment in my mind. "Why'd you let him kill you?" I asked. She shrugged leaning back. "You can't force someone to like you, I didn't care anymore" she said. "That's not a good way of thinking" I said laying down as well. "So I should've forced him to like me?" she asked glancing at me. "No no- That's not what I meant I-" I said. She chuckled glancing ahead again. "What are you gonna do?" I asked. "Don't know, probably hang out around here more. I can focus more on the investigation" she said. "So you're gonna be bored" I said. "Yep" she said cringing. I smiled laying back down. "Are you just gonna lay here?" she asked. "Yep" I said looking up. She just smiled looking up as well.

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