A Personal Attack

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When I made it back it was fully night. I heard struggling at the front. "STUPID HUMAN CLOTHES" Echo yelled stuck in a sweater. "Echo you're putting your head in the sleeve-" I said helping her out. "WHY ARE YOUR CLOTHES SO HARD TO FIGURE OUT" she yelled pulling herself out. "They're actu- Never mind" I said. "Anyways hi" she said. "Hi" I said yawning. "I'm kinda of tired" I said walking into the house. "Well uh-" she said following me. I yawned again walking upstairs. "OI" she yelled. "Good night Echo-" I said slipping out. She just narrowed her eyes then flopped onto the couch. "JUST FOR THAT YOU'RE NOT GETTING YOUR COUCH BACK". I went up to the roof and threw an ender pearl. I teleported back down then walked up the mountain. I walked up looking at the area Flamey built. It just looked like a small booth they used to watch us. I sat at the edge and fell asleep for the night.

In the Morning

I woke up in the house for some reason. Had someone brought me in? Then the pain hit me. I sat up with my eyes closed still. I lifted my hand and noticed it was covered in blood. I looked down and saw a large gash running through my stomach. I felt odd everywhere. My body had a different pain each second. I looked through the open door down the stairs. I heard talking but I couldn't make out the words. I decided to try to get up. The bleeding seemed to have stopped. I moved my legs a bit sitting at the edge of the bed. This was harder then I had expected. I went to stand and my torso felt like shit. I stumbled sitting back down on the bed. I saw someone peek their head at the staircase. "YOU DUMBASS" someone yelled hitting the person. "OW" they yelled stumbling into full view. Echo stepped into vision and starting shaking them. "YOUR DUMBASS SHIFTED BACK TO THE REAL WORLD WHILE SHE WAS GETTING STABBED TO DEATH" Echo yelled more. "SHE'S NOT DEAD-" the person yelled back. I just face palmed. I wanted an explanation not whatever this was. Echo pushed the person then walked upstairs. When the person turned I noticed it was Nightmare. "What.." someone said in the background. Echo walked up to me then sort of lightly slapped me. "Ow-" I said moving my hair out my face. She pointed at me. "And you, you're stupid for going out at night alone" she said. Nightmare walked up behind her. "What happened anyways-" I asked. They both paused. "Uhm" Nightmare said. "Idiot number 2 saw Lenny on the mountain with you." Echo explained, "That's why you're bleeding". "I'm not an idiot" Nightmare said. "You are kind of an idiot" I said. "HEY" he yelled. "Shut the fuck up" Echo said. "We used a healing potion on you so you should be better tomorrow" Echo explained. "Alright well I'mma go downstairs" I said getting up again. "No" Echo said gently pushing me back down. "I-" I muttered out. "You're staying put" she added. "But Ni-" I was cut off. "No you're not moving" Echo said. "I'm fine if that's what you're worried about, you can stay in my room" Nightmare said. "Fine" I said pouting. "DON'T POUT AT US BITCH" Echo yelled. "TOO BAD" I yelled back before laying back down.

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