Who are these people?

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We all got home as there was just an awkward silence. We were all a bit confused about the incident. Finally someone spoke up. "Who the hell was that-" Nightmare said glancing up. "Fucking Noah" Echo said. "Who's that?" I asked. "He stands for time- I used to hang out with those people" she said leaning back. "I don't think that's a flex" Nightmare said. "Calm down, don't kill me" she said getting up. He sighed glancing foward again. A few days passed since then. We just decided not to talk about it. One day I was just sitting on the porch. Nightmare walked out sitting down as well. "Hi" I said leaning on him. "Hello" he said glancing out. "Are you alright since then?" I asked. He sighed deeply thinking for a moment. "No, not really" he said chuckling. "It's alright-" I said smiling gently. Particals from the portal started coming out. I raised my head getting ready to stand. A sword was thrown through the portal hitting the fence. I flinched moving away from the fence. Nightmare stood causing me to fall on the stair. Someone hopped out of the portal putting his sword to his side. "Fucking hell" Nightmare said moving his foot back. "We have no other witnesses" Noah said stepping forward. I got up kicking Noah back. He stumbled back chuckling. "That's not fair" he said holding his mask. I tried to tackle him before but time had already stopped. It felt weird for a moment like it was fast fowarded. I felt a sharp pain in my chest but I could barely see. Everything was blurry and dizzy to me. All I could do was hear. "Come on" Noah said keeping a medium distance from Nightmare. Nightmare landed on his feet as time resumed. There was just a long faceoff moment. Nightmare running going to swing. Noah kicked Nightmare back pulling me with him. "FUCKING HELL" Nightmare yelled glaring at him. "She's a wolf mob as I can see isn't she?" Noah asked. Nightmare pulled out a bow shooting at Noah. He ducked standing again. He pushed the sword further. All I could really see was a purple light going across. I fell scooting back in whatever direction. I breathed heavily wiping my eyes feeling like I was far enough. When I glanced up all I noticed was fire. But it was purple instead of normal. I dropped my hands glancing over. Nightmare had Noah in a mini chokehold. I checked around my chest for any wound. There was no deep cuts just a sharp pain. Noah sighed chuckling lightly. "How are you laughing?" Nightmare asked a bit angry. Noah ducked down kicking at Nightmare's foot. He nudged him back taking his hand off his neck. "It's a bit sad the only way you can do it is if someone's life is in danger" Noah said sternly. Nightmare glanced around at the fire. "I did that?" he asked. "Mhm" Noah said. "And why aren't you killing me?" Nightmare asked annoyed. "I never wanted to kill you, why would you assume that" he responded. "OH, MAYBE THE FACT YOU TRIED TO KILL US" Nightmare yelled. "Fine, I'll give you that arguement. But Stacy wasn't doing anything. I merely just pushed the topic a bit further" Noah explained. "A BIT?" Nightmare asked. "You shouldn't get so mad. I'm not going to be the most intense one you encounter" he added. "HOW?" Nightmare yelled. "There are more crazy ones then me" Noah said letting go of Nightmare. "That's crazy considering the fact that I felt like I was dying" I said putting a hand over my chest. "I'm experienced, I know what kills a person and what doesn't. I didn't intend to kill you, but I apologize for the pain" he explained. "Ouch" I said sarcastically. "I still don't like you" Nightmare said. "You don't have to, but what do you say. Another fight to try it again?" Noah asked. "NO" Nightmare yelled. "Huh, a shame" he said walking off. Nightmare just watched him walk away as if offended. I sighed laying down in exhaustion.

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