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Lately I had just been helping Jk build. Build what? I don't really know but it's taken my mind off some stuff. I'd sometimes shift to real life and still be locked in the same room. It's gotten pretty boring lately I've found some random stuff to keep me busy. And of course per usual none of the people missing have turned up. I really decided to make myself feel better with thoughts. Maybe Nightmare just happened to go to Fire Village directly after the wither attack and everything's really fine. But I can't help but worry late at night. It becomes even worse knowing Hela's still somewhere, anywhere. I just laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I sighed turning to look at the clock again. Only like 1 minute passed since the last time I checked. I groaned trying to get comfortable again. I layed there for a few more minutes before getting up frustrated. I got dressed then put my jacket on walking out. I walked onto the porch stepping down to the grass. The broken nether portals still layed on the ground. I just walked through the field a bit disappointed that the mountains weren't here anymore. Climbing to the top and just sitting there looking out was the best. Not paying attention I soon reached the forest biome. I got my sword out in case of mobs. I glanced around not noticing any so I continued to walk, keeping my sword out still. It was a pretty peaceful night, the moon stood high above the forest shining down. I was brought back to reality feeling a sharp pain in my neck. "Ow-" I hissed under my breath quickly turning. I glanced around finally noticing the sound of running. I glanced in their direction then ran after them. I felt around my neck wondering what the hell they stabbed me with. I pulled it out groaning frustrated now. I hopped over fallen trees or logs trying to keep up with them. They slid under and climbed over branches effortlessly. I started tripping barely keeping up with them. They hopped on a rock then jumped basically gliding. I hopped on the rock noticing a long drop down in front of me. My eyes widened as I quickly grabbed onto the branch above. I tried swinging back to the ground but the branch quickly snapped. I fell into the cave hitting my back hard. I sighed then covered my face breathing heavily. "Fuck-" I whispered harshly, the energy quickly knocked out of me. I just layed there feeling the pain in my neck again. I stared up seeing the moon through the leaves again. The moonlight was quickly blocked by a silhouette. It was the same person I had been chasing. "Hi" they said waving. I just glared at them too frustrated to say anything back. They frowned hopping down to me. They went into a glide mid way dropping down gently. "Are you um, okay?" he asked landing. "You stabbed me in the neck" I said still staring at the sky. "Well sorry about that" he said kneeling down. I finally glanced at him studying his features. He was just a normal guy with makeup designs on. Under his sleeve he had a cloth like material which I'm guessing helped him glide. He had a dark academia vibe so he blended in to the night sky. "Are you alright?" he asked tilting his head. I just paused glancing up at his face. "Sorry, just staring.." I mumbled sitting up. "Did you pull the stinger out?" he asked checking around my neck. "Stinger?" I asked just sitting there. "Oh! I'm a phantom" he said sitting back. "What's that?.." I asked glancing at him. "I don't really know, I think they're new or something. But they're basically flying creatures that come out at night and attack people who don't sleep" he said yawning. "That's one way to get rid of insomnia" I joked standing. "I guess" he said putting too much thought into it. "But you don't fly you glide" I pointed out. "Oh yeah, that's why I go put on my own. There aren't many phantoms yet but the ones that are here don't like that about me" he explained. "Why do you glide instead?" I asked. "Not sure" he answered. I just thought about it trying to put the pieces together. "Well I should get going.. Mobs shouldn't talk with players" he said going to climb out. "You don't have to worry about that. The woman who made that rule broke it herself" I told him. "Oh.. That's nice, but I'm gonna go either way. Cya! And uh, treat that stab wound" he said giving me a smile. He used the rocks sticking out of the wall to climb out. I just watched him climb out then sighed rubbing my neck. I just stood there before climbing out as well.

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