Travel To Hell

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"We should use blackstone for this next build" Jk explained to Nightmare. Nightmare just stared at the blueprints. He was still uneasy for some reason even though Jk has done so much to gain his trust. "What do you think??" Jk asked awkwardly. Nightmare snapped out of all his thoughts, "Uhm, yeah. It's good". Jk smiled proudly. "Do we have any supplies of blackstone?" he asked. Nightmare sighed then hung his head down. "No...We'd have to go to the nether for that" he responded leaning on the table. "It's fine! I'll help" Jk said cheerfully. Nightmare paused, wondering how someone could be so nice to a stranger. He stood quiet then responded, "Fine, we'll go tomorrow. We need rest". Jk nodded then rolled up the blueprints. "That's a good idea" he responded quickly. Nightmare crossed his arms stubbornly. "Should we ask Summer to come with us? I think her mind needs to be on diffrent things right now" Jk said thinking. "What do you mean by that?" Nightmare asked looking up at him. "She just seems stressed lately, we could at least get her out the market" he responded looking back at him. "You're right" Nightmare said glancing down. "I'll see you in the morning Jk." Nightmare said sternly walking up the stairs. "Oh- Okay! Good night" Jk responded waving to him. The next morning came pretty fast. It usually does actually. I felt horrible when I woke up. It felt like a sense of panic and stress, but it also felt like I was dying. I couldn't explain it or tell what it was. I drank some water because I thought I was dehydrated. Nightmare ran downstairs and all the thoughts just kind of went away. Like they were interrupted by other things. I shook my head trying not to think about it, then glared at Nightmare. "Good morning" I said. "Good morning Summer" Nightmare replied standing at the armrest of the couch. Blade moved and we both tensed up trying not to wake him. "Do you wanna go to the nether with me and Jk?" Nightmare asked in a whisper. "Yeah sure" I replied sitting up. "Cool, I'mma get Jk and we can go" he said walking back upstairs. We all got ready for the nether. I adjusted my tie and let it hang on my shirt. Blade moved again then stretched. "Good morning" I said putting a cardigan on. "AH-" Blade yelled almost falling off the couch. I quickly turned to check on him. "Sorry- Good morning" he responded. "It's fine you don't need to apologize" I said walking back to the couch. "Ooh nice outfit" he said fully waking up. "Oh thanks, I just decided to try it out and I really like it" I responded kind of posing. "You're welcome" he said, "Where are you going?". I buttoned up the cardigan before answering. "I'm going to the nether with Nightmare and Jk" I answered. "Ohh, yeah I don't really wanna go to the nether-" Blade said. I chuckled. "Well have fun! I'm probably gonna hang out with Wolfie today" he said. "Mkay you have fun too!" I replied. Blade smiled.

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