Heading Back Home

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After the incident me and Nightmare shifted back. We got ready along with Ella to leave. Before we met up with Anton and Dena. "Oh hey guys" Anton said waving. "You can obviously tell we'll be on our way" Ella said briefly. "Oh yeah..I just wanted to wish you guys good luck! I hope the people you know help you on the rest of your journey" he added. "I think you guys are kinda stupid for going to electric kingdom but whatever" Dena said rolling her eyes. "You guys are going to electric kingdom?" Deno asked walking back over to then. "No" Ella said quickly. "Then why would you say-" he said confused. "Yes they are" Anton responded to him. Ella looked like she wanted to choke out Anton. "Can I come?" he asked. "Why would you wanna come?" Ella asked. I started laughing a bit at the conversation. Nightmare got it right away signalling for me to stop. "I've been wanting to get out of here lately, see othwr lands..Y'know not getting out much as a ki-" Deno was cut off. "Oh god stop breaking into life story" Dena said annoyed. "Can he come?" I asked Ella. Now Nightmare started laughing at it. Ella sighed deeply just thinking. "Fine." she said sternly. "WHOO!" I yelled cheering. "Well you guys are going home first so we can send Deno over when you guys get there" Anton explained. We understood then said our goodbyes. It was a silent trip for a bit. "Where are you even gonna stay?" I asked Ella. "I'm not sure" she said gently. "You could probably stay with Hela" I said. "Ew" she responded shuttering a bit. "Okay so not a fan of dragon gods-" I said jokingly. "Should we confront her about that?" Nightmare asked. "I'm not sure.." I said. We just stood silent the rest of the trip home. When we got back it was just turning morning. Ella decided to stay with Noah and the others. Nightmare opened the door holding it open for a bit. All I heard was a yell and then I was falling. "OW" I yelled. "AETHER I SWEAR TO GOD" Nightmare yelled pulling him off. "WAAH" he yelled helping himself up. "For a 14 year old you're fat as fuck" I said getting up. "THAT'S RUDE" he yelled crossing his arms. "Why are you in our house anyways" Nightmare asked. "Waiting for you idiots duh, also Echo had a mental breakdown but we ignore that" he explained. "What the fuck happened while we were gone" I said. "Oh nothing important, unless" Aether said tapping his chin. Nightmare just glared at him frustrated. "Ooh where's Ocean" I asked ignoring what just happened. "I don't fucking know, but Su-" Aether was cut off. "I'mma look for for him then, bye guys!" I exclaimed walking away. Aether crossed his arms pouting.

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