Tuning in to the family

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With Nightmare gone for the afternoon I didn't really know what to do. Upon thinking I decided to go to Electric Kingdom. I had a plan but didn't know how well it would go. My head still hurt like a bitch but I endured the pain. I walked through the portal making it to the beach. The water was still split from when Echo came over. I glanced around and people from the Main Mob Order were still working. I sighed deeply walking along the path into the kingdom. I made it to the sand climbing up into the alleyway. I walked around making it to the further part of the island. I walked past the grass following the path to a warehouse. When I arrived I gently opened the door glancing around. I slowly closed the door behind me then walked through the hallway. I walked out to the open area turning to look around. I noticed glass in the top floor in a stadium type style. "Back again?" I heard a girls voice echo around the walls. By her raspy voice I could already tell who it was. "Yeah.." I said gently turning to the glass. I saw her nod then she stepped down from the glass. I raised one eyebrow then sighed walking to the bleachers. She came through the door on the other side walking across to me. I sighed again a bit scared to speak to her. I sat down on the bleachers shaking a bit. "Hey Jewl" I said trying to break the silence. "What did Noah send you?" she asked humming. "Well no.." I sighed deeply before answering, "Noah's kinda dead". She paused for a bit with eyes wide. "Oh. Well it was a matter of time.." she said sitting next to me. "How can you say that?" I asked facing her. "Dunno, I guess I already made my peace with it." she said sternly folding a cloth. "Anyways...I was wondering what's the whole deal with you guys?" I finally started getting straight to the point. "Whats that supposed to mean?" she asked. "Like..What happened with you and Lenards, you and Noah, that girl Toliya?" I asked. She sighed deeply setting the cloth to the side. "Haven't you gotten enough answers?" she asked blinking slower. I just shook my head genuinely not knowing the full story. "Well.. I speak in fighting talk" she said getting up. My eyes widened as the pain to my head came back. "I'm not gonna fight you.." I said remembering her and Noah's fight. "Why not? Besides Stacy and Aaron you're the strongest person I've met" she asked turning to face me. "I got a possible concussion the day before" I finally answered pointing to my head. "So? Ugh you're just as weak as Lenards and fucking Noah. Always worrying about big injuries that's why he's dead" she said lightly, "What a shame...". I just raised an eyebrow absolutely disgusted about how she talked about them. "It's a shame that the shit you talk is why you sit alone in the warehouse." I said sternly grabbing my stuff to walk out. She swung around to glare at me. "One fight. I'll go easy" she said convincingly. I sighed just stopping then slowky turned back around. "I knew you'd turn around! Women don't take as much shit as you and not take their anger out eventually" she said smiling. Her words replayed in my mind but I just threw my bag onto the bleacher stepping up to her. She stepped back to keep a few feet between us. "Rules?" I asked. "Oh you want rules.. Hm. A quick attack match, take more then 5 seconds away from the other you toss in the towel" she explained. I nodded slightly then took my cardigan off. She smiled then ran forward taking the first hit. I ducked under feeling all the blood rush to my head causing another headache. I ignored it then kicked up swinging around on her back. Her eyes widened then slipped trying to bodyslam me. I hopped off then turning kneeing her in the stomach. She grabbed my arm then went to kick me. I put my foot out blocking her kick then kicked forward. She groaned but used her other foot to flip up. She pulled my arm around me slamming me on my stomach. I used my knees to headbutt her. She loosened her grip a bit groaning. I let out a squeak at the headbutt but got up elbowing her. She grabbed my elbow then flipped me onto my head. I groaned then let out a shaky breath starting to tear up. She kept me in place until I slipped my legs in between her arms and pushed myself up. I kept my knees on her fingers crushing them. "AH" she let out whimpering. I hopped up then crushed her hands again. She let out another squeal hanging her head down. I grabbed her wrists kicking back onto her back. I used that as an opportunity to get up then placed weight on her back. I felt that was enough so I quickly stepped back. She placed her arms on the ground then rolled over on her back. She started tearing up as well from the pain in her fingers. I sighed deeply put my head back. "It's been more then five seconds" I pointed out quickly. "For a person with a concussion you had no problem headbutting me." she said clearly frustrated. "Trust me it hurt" I said groaning. There was a long silence where we both just took a break. "C'mon" I said finally helping her up. I walked her to the bleachers then got the first aid kit starting to treat her fingers. "Why?" she asked blankly. "Hm?" I asked gently icing her fingers. "Why are you so..nice? You beat my ass yet treating my wounds now." she explained. I just shrugged continuing to work. "A lot of people take advantage of it.. Or call me stupid for doing so" I just said. "You are." she said sternly. I just chuckled lightly then wrapped gauze over the icebag. "Leaving people in pain isn't what I'm about. There's always a reason behind people's doings and pain under people's mask. Reasons people go on or give up" I explained. "Do you have a reason to go on?" she asked. I paused genuinely thinking about it for a moment. "No actually... Just my boyfriend." I said putting my guard up again. "Men aren't something to live for" she said frustrated. "Bad experiences?" I asked. She just stood silent as if concerned to answer. "I've had multiple experiences with men too. Which is why I decided to date a woman until she manipulated me and tried killing my boyfriend" I said chuckling a bit at the situation. "Really? I find it hard to believe someone as nice as you would actually repay it back after having bad experiences" she said finding it a bit amusing. I just shrugged again now questioning things. "I don't know why I do it really" I answered finally. "Hm.." she just said as if studying me. "Well I won the fight, what happened with Lenards?" I asked her. Suprise filled her face as if she'd forgot. "Well you won fair and square.. He's my adopted son in my world I'm not really sure how it's like in the real world I've never beaten the dragon. He was an outcast in this Kingdom was never loved by anyone so he came to the further parts and met me. I was obviously younger so I came down questioning where his parents were. Said he didn't remember so I took care of him until further notice. Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks. I was a normal fighting trainer until I got so bored of not having clients. I got a bit of an ego I'll admit and thought everything Lenards did was weak. It got to the point that he turned to Lenon and Siera and left me in the mud, never came back. He made friends and eventually I heard he had left.. Said he wanted to explore the world. In this time Electric Kingdom wasn't an island it was connected to the land. I guess there is where he met Noah... Ended up basically adopting him, Noah was 14. When Lenards took him to Electric Kingdom for the first time I ended up fighting him.. Apperently I had given Lenards a lot of trauma so he never came back. But Hela made him crazy by bringing up all his pain, then things were never the same." she explained. "Do you ever think, he's better now?" I asked. She thought for a bit then shook her head. "He's just crazy now...There's nothing you can really do about it" she answered. I sighed gently a bit disappointed in the answer. "I can tell you're a curious one.. And I like a challenge. I can give you the coords of where they live now. Try to prove me wrong" she said with a gentle smile. "Really?" I asked a bit suprised. She nodded reaching in her bag then handed me the paper. I smiled a bit taking the paper. "Well thank you" I said a bit happier today. "You also put up a good fight, your boyfriend's a lucky man" she added. I smiled more standing up. "Oh and, make sure to ice your finger a lot. Maybe for like 10 minutes let it get to room temperature then ice it again until it heals" I explained walking off. She chuckled shaking her head as I walked back into the open.

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