The Meeting

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Today was the day of the meeting. Riska woke us all up early to get ready for it. We had told Flamey and the rest about it. I was still tired so I just sat down with my dress shirt half on. "Summer, if I have to get up everyday at 6am to go to a job that destroys the world, you can get fully dressed" Echo said fixing my tie. I just groaned ignoring her. She sat fixing my hair as Jk ran downstairs. "Ooh fancy" I said. "Thank you very much Sunshine" he said chuckling. Echo ended up yanking my hair. "OW!" I yelled. "I dunno why you guys are going in suits and stuff it's just a meeting" Echo said tying the last hairtie. "I'm just going in a fancy skirt" Blade said proudly. "So am I!" Ocean exclaimed. I chuckled proud that Ocean was basically my child. "Done" Echo said. Blade burst out laughing. "Yeah no I don't trust you" I said letting all my hair loose. "WHAT?! I'M GOOD AT HAIRSTYLES" Echo yelled. "Guys let's go" Nightmare said walking up to us. "I can't believe you got me into a dress" Wolfie said. "Oh my god Nightmare, let them wear what they wanna wear" Echo said. "WHA? I'M GOOD AT DRESSING PEOPLE UP" he said. "Nightmare you're as bad as Echo's hairstyles, I agree it's just a meeting" I said. Echo just glared at me sort of sad. "That hurt Summer, that hurt" she said. "What I went to go change" Wolfie said coming back in a cool outfit. "UGHHH" Nightmare yelled. We got everyone dressed. Nightmare fixed Ocean's tie, he was going with a half skirt half suit vibe. We gathered everybody up walking out. It was lucky it was right next to our house. We waited at the bottom of the stage for Riska. Bishir ran in, "I WON!". "FUCK!" Aether yelled breathing heavily. "TOLD YOU I WAS FASTER BOZO" he yelled doing a mini dance. "BY LIKE ONE MILLISECOND" Aether yelled. "STILL FASTER" he said. Their bat mob walked in a bit somber. Flamey slightly comforted them walking up to us. "Who's this Riska person?" Flamey asked. Nightmare shrugged glancing at me. "Possibly Historia basically reincarnated" I said. "Okay I don't know who Historia is" he said turning. I chuckled, "You don't have to". "Good" he said sighing. "I'm sorry about Lani's death by the way" I said. "What?" Ocean asked walking up next to me. "It's fine, Giha was more effected by it" Flamey said. "Lani's dead?!" Ocean exclaimed. "Yeah, in the explosion Ocean" Nightmare broke the news. Ocean covered his mouth walking over to the other crowd. I sighed feeling bad for Ocean. "I swear that kid could murder my family and I'd still love him" I said. Nightmare chuckled gently. "When's it starting?" Flamey asked. "Few minutes I think" Nightmare answered. "Alright" he said walking back to Bishir and the rest. Hela and Iina walked in next. "Hi guys!" I exclaimed hugging Hela. "Hello Summer" Iina said smiling. "You really came?" I asked. "We wouldn't miss seeing Historia die a second time for the world" Hela said smiling. I chuckled a bit nerviously. The clock hit the middle of day. A bell started ringing loudly. Everyone went quiet, turning to the front. "Hello everybody! I thank you for coming!" Riska exclaimed, "Why don't we all introduce ourselves?". We all exchanged looks a bit confused. "Um, I'm Wolfie-" they said gently. "Hello!" Riska said. "I'm Ocean! And this is Blade!" he exclaimed happily. Blade looked on the verge of crying tears of happiness. "I'm Nightmare and al- Most...of my siblings are here" he said. "And who are your siblings?" Riska asked. Flamey and Sync raised their hands. Aether refused but Giha held his hand up. "Flamey, Sync, and Aether" Flamey said. "I'm Jk this is Dark" he said. Dark was Matthew's nickname if they didn't wanna say his real name. "I'm a bat, no need to know my name" Giha said. Riska just chuckled nervously. "I don't wanna say my name" Hailey said. "Okay let's just carry on" Riska said. He glanced at Hela and Iina then gained focus again. "I wanted to explain that my royal guard is gonna be present! Joel!" he exclaimed moving to the side. He walked out of the curtains. He had dark brown hair and black eyes. He wore a crown and a red cape. He had bandages around his bottom torso and a purple dress shirt. "Heh" he said putting on his other glove. "So this is Ki-" Riska was cut off. Blade gagged purposely. "Blade are you okay?" Jk asked. The plan was being put in action. "I feel like I'm gonna throw up sorry" he said running out. "I'll check on them" Jk said running out as well. "Good distraction" Nightmare whispered. I nodded walking up next to him. "Oh dear, that's alright though! This is Kinoko Paradise, a wonderful kingdom built by me and my royal guard" Riska said. "It's nice to meet you all" Joel said. "I have, a question" Hela said. "Hela no no no" I said stepping back. "What is it...miss?" Riska said smiling gently. "Do you perhaps know anyone else other then us present today?" Hela asked. "No...I wouldn't believe so" Riska said glaring at her. "Interesting! No one who goes by Hi-" Hela was cut off. Iina covered Hela's mouth in fear. "Hissy, our cat!" she said chuckling gently. "No.." Riska said. "Iina" Hela said moving her hand. "I just have a quick question, are we sure everyone's here?" Riska asked. "Mhm! No other people in this area" I said. "Thank you Summer for confirming" he said nodding. "I still have never told him my name" I whispered a bit harshly. An arrow came from the back of the stage. It caught onto Riska's cloak pulling him down. "OW!" he yelled as his hand slipped between the stage. "The gig is up" Echo said walking out. Hela's eyes widened seeing her walk out. Joel ran behind stage pulling a lever, nothing happened. He continued flicking the lever multiple times but nothing happened. Skelly shot an arrow at his arm. "We should get most people out of here" I told Nightmare gathering up Hailey, Ocean, and Wolfie. Nightmare nodded walking to the other side. Someone came down from above holding a sword. Echo ran out pulling Nightmare out of the way. Riska groaned pulling the arrow out of the stage floor. The person landed barely cutting Nightmare. Riska ran backstage pulling Joel with him. Echo hopped up handing Nightmare an axe. Nightmare swung hitting the person's cloak. Echo put a thumbs up running behind the stage. The back of the stage ended up blowing up. My eyes widened as I ran backstage. "This woman's crazy" Flamey said running after me. Blade and Jk stood at the entrance of the castle. There was a bunch of debris on the floor. Joel hopped down swinging at me. I hopped up kicking him in the chest. Flamey swung knocking Joel's sword out. I grabbed the sword running to the right. I heard sizzling from underneath. The floor blew open knocking me off my feet. I landed on a piece of rubble hitting my back. Echo held onto the edge of the floor breathing heavily. She had been trapped underwater. Skelly hopped up helping Neville out. I got up helping Echo up. Riska swung at Echo trying to pull her back into the water. I pulled Echo up last minute. Riska's axe got caught on the wood. Echo kicked at Riska's inner elbow. He yelled dropping the axe into the water. Echo glanced at me then paused. I chuckled rolling out from underneath. I got up hopping over the hole. Flamey was fighting Joel in the background. "Are you or are you not Historia?" Echo asked getting up. "Who's Historia?!" Riska yelled holding their elbow. "I don't trust it" she said. "How'd you know my name even though I didn't tell you it" I asked standing up. "I-I obviously saw your tag" Riska said glancing at me. "I lost my tag when I met Nightmare" I told him. "Fuck" he mumbled under his breath. Echo nodded then went to swing at Riska. Riska hopped back running around the wall. "HISTORIA IVY LANSON" Riska yelled running out onto the stage. "FUCK!" Echo yelled chasing after him. "We're getting out of here" I said leading Blade and Jk out the backstage. Echo hopped on Riska's back falling to the floor. Riska grabbed Echo's arm about to swing. Nightmare ran pulling Echo off. The person hopped over Riska running to Nightmare. Echo kicked the person back hopping back up. I snuck Blade and Jk around helping everyone else out. An arrow shot from backstage catching on my ear. "OW" I yelled. My hearing became fainter. I sighed pulling it out. Joel ran out with Flamey still chasing him. He stopped for a moment aiming an arrow at me. Hela moved her hand sending purple fire at him. "OW" Joel yelled sliding back into the wall. Flamey ran past him making a quick turn. Iina ran impaling Joel. "We just made your job easier" she said to Flamey pulling the sword out. Flamey groaned crossing his arms. "Get out, we're gonna blow this up" I said signaling Flamey to the exit. Iina ran out with Flamey leaving Joel injured. "ARCTIC" Riska yelled throwing a bow to him. Arctic hopped on stage aiming at Echo. Echo turned blowing up around her. The arrow got lost in the explosion. Echo scooted back barely falling into the water. "CREEPER POWER BITCH" she yelled pointing at Arctic. Nightmare turned kicking Arctic off stage. He grabbed the bow shooting an arrow at both sides of his cloak. He stepped on them pushing the arrows further into the dirt. Arctic groaned holding his head. "Yup, we're going" Nightmare said pulling me with him. "HEY" Echo yelled following us. Hela smiled taking one last glance at Riska then walked out.

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