The Mask War

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"So... What you guys are telling me, is that Jayne betrayed us?" Anton asked confused.
"Ain't no way, she's friends with us" Dena said pausing her game. "No, she definitely attacked us and is fighting Noah right now" Nightmare said, panic filling his voice. "Poor Noah.. But who would she betray us for?" Anton asked rubbing his chin. "My guess? Maylene" Echo said plainly. "They do live by each other which would mean Serena's on their side too" I added nodding. "I'm suprised you didn't notice, Nightmare weren't you in Fire Village for almost a year?" Echo asked a bit shocked. "Yes, that's why I'm the most confused. Her and Ace welcomed me in a heart beat, along with her training me. So why is she fighting us now?" he explained glancing at the floor. "Who's to say Ace would even agree to what Jayne's doing? I'm sure she's doing it without him knowing. Which makes it even more fucked up" Anton said sighing. "Well I know damn well I'm not on Jayne's side and Anton isn't either" Dena said confidently. "Of course not, I consider Noah to be one of my greatest friends. I can't believe she'd do this but you guys did the right thing coming here" he said giving us a smile. "Should we contact Gem Kingdom about this?" Reliane asked. "No, we don't know who to trust now.. Although me and Laylani have a contract so did us and Jayne so" he answered frowning a bit. I just sighed taking another sip of water. My cup started shaking a bit but the water stood still. I just narrowed my eyebrows a bit confused. The water shot up hitting me in the face. Echo tried not to laugh but couldn't hold it in. "What the fuck was that?!" Reliane exclaimed laughing a bit. Dena glanced at the window slowly getting up. I noticed glancing back at the window behind us. A huge tsunami showed from above the buildings. Vines followed along the ground spreading throughout the city. "Looks like we're not getting a break folks, Maylene's already here.." Anton mumbled sighing. He got up from the chair putting his hands out. The walls that were already around the city rapidly rose over the tsunami. The water splashed back, some getting over the wall and onto the city. "What should we do?" Reliane asked concerned. "I don't know how much longer I can hold this wall from over here so you guys should evacuate the citizens. Get closer to Gem Kingdom but don't enter, Dena get to the roof" he ordered us around. Reliane nodded bringing us up out of our seats and out the door quick. Dena followed but ran up the stairs instead while we went down. We got to the elevator hallway passing the door to the stairs. Water quickly filled the hallways trying to push us around. "Oh god" Reliane said urging us to run faster. All the water clumped together targetting one person, unfortunately that person was me. I was pushed through a door quickly being overwhelmed by the water. I swam up to the surface but the water continued to fill the stairway. I coughed up water finally finding my footing on ground. I ran up the stairs trying to outrun the water. The wall beside me extended out blocking the water out. I breathed heavily coughing up more water. I fell to the floor trying to catch my breath again. "Oh, the water targetted you" Anton said from behind me, his tone sounded way too different from before. "I was separated from the others" I said coughing more. Anton just smiled a bit getting to my ground level. "I know" he said menacingly. The wall stretched out quickly grabbing me back. My eyes widened as the stone wrapped around my throat. "Y'know the best thing about having a building made out of ground materials is that it allows my powers to control it. So as long as your within these walls, you're mine." he said sternly. My eyes started to water as the grip got tighter. It felt as though I was being pulled into the wall. "I really am sorry Summer, I was really starting to like you guys. Deno and Dena said they were very fond of your group. But unfortunately the war has chosen for you to go" he said smiling. I started coughing as my breathway was completely cut off. "I wouldn't speak too soon Anton" someone said from behind. A light glowed around him as gems spiked out from the walls. They stabbed into Anton's neck causing him to let go of the walls. I was launched out of its grasp leaving me gasping for air. "Sorry we took so long, someone refused to contact us that Maylene was attacking. Luckily Anton didn't inform Dena of his betrayal" Violetta explained holding Anton in place with the gems. "Me betrayal?! You're stabbing me! That's strictly against the contract" Anton said choking more. "Oh c'mon Anty, you can't fake it after that performance you just gave. You were really going to kill a helpless human weren't you? More and more I regret considering you an ex" Violetta continued completely roasting him. Wait ex? "Even if you take me out you still have to deal with Maylene, Jayne, Serena, and... Aaron" he answered smiling. My eyes widened in shock at the last name. "But Aaron's dead?" Violetta asked confused. "Not anymorrree" he teased smiling more. Violetta's eyes widened more letting go of Anton. "We gotta go" she said grabbing me. Anton started laughing like he's completely lost his mind. "DIE!" he yelled creating spikes out of the walls. Violetta created a gem barrier around us carrying me up the stairs. The spikes each pierced the barrier but Violetta kept attempting to repair it. She kicked the door in running to a computer. A muffled yell caught both of our attention. I slowly turned the corner seeing green hair, Dena. She continued to scream trying to kick out of the restraints. Spikes came up from the floor matching the rhythm of her panic. "Calm down Dena" I said sitting at her side. Her eyes remained wide but she seemed relieved I was there. I ripped the tape off then worked on the rope around her wrists. Her eyes were full of tears and she choked on her words. "A-Aaron's alive" she whined terrified. "We know that now, which means we got one more problem to deal with" Violetta said working on the computer. "Is Nightmare and the others okay?" Dena asked crying more. "I'm not sure, we were separated from them but we're going to make sure once I get you out" I said finally pulling the rope out of the knot. "Thank you" she said sniffling, trying to supress her sobbing. Violetta just shook her head disappointed, how could someone do this to their own sister? To someone so young as well. Feedback sounded from outside as Violetta adjusted the mic. "That's what you were doing on the computer" I said nodding a bit. Violetta nodded giving us a smile before starting to speak. "Attention all Earth City citizens. The city is under attack by water mask Maylene, earth mask Serena, and electric mask Aaron. Your man in charge has betrayed you all, his own sister, and the Gem Kingdom contract. Time mask Reliane and Gem Kingdom will evacuate you guys from the scene. In the meantime stay safe and do not trust Anton. Thank you" she spoke through the speakers outside. She threw the headphones off shutting down the entire system. I finally got the rope off picking Dena up. "How are we going to get out?" I asked concerned. Violetta put gem rock around her arm breaking the window. "Oh no no no no no" I said shaking my head. "What? You've never gone out the window before?" she asked smiling. I just shook my head in protest but she pulled me to her. "On the count of three, one.. two, three" she said pulling us out the window. She quickly connected gems to the wall creating a slide underneath us. "Oh god-" I mumbled holding Dena tighter. Violetta laughed in amusement that I failed to see. The sky slowly turned dark as lightning struck throughout the city. "Aaron's here" Violetta said frowning now. She got us to the ground as I continued to carry Dena. Many citizens were running straight to the other side of the wall in panic. We started running with the crowd trying to get out as fast as possible. All walls around the city dropped letting all the water back in. It all fell down splashing around multiple buildings. The door to the main building burst open as Anton stumbled out. "Crap" Violetta mumbled urging me to run faster. Astral stood at the other side of the city getting citizens out. "YOU THREE" Anton yelled blasting rock around his arms. "KEEP RUNNING" Violetta yelled pushing me forward a bit. I ran at the fastest speed I could causing my legs to go numb. I knew I had to get me and Dena out of here though. Laylani walked past us holding her staff. "You broke a contract Anton. This is war" she said setting her staff down. The floor around her glowed a bright circle as gems rose up. Anton chuckled before blasting rock at Violetta and Laylani. That was more people we were leaving behind for the sake of our safety. I hope them and Noah made it out okay along with Echo, Nightmare, and Reliane. If anything were to happen to them I'd never forgive Maylene or Aaron for this.

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