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We took the next morning as a resting day. A day to just talk if someone wanted to. I snuck out of Nightmare’s room then went downstairs yawning. I closed my eyes for a bit before finally opening them aware. I glanced into the kitchen seeing Iina. She had finally changed out of her pillager styled clothing and had a different outfit. "What's this?" she asked me, I assumed she heard my footsteps. "What's what?" I asked walking towards her. "This...cylinder thing with holes" she explained handing it to me. "Bread?" I answered a bit confused. She just stared at it letting it's name set in. "What does it do?" she asked. "Iina have you never had bread before??" I asked raising an eyebrow. "No" she answered plainly. "Well you eat bread" I said pointing to it. "Eat..?" she asked confused. I just stared at her starting to become concerned. "Do you not eat?-" I asked, my eyes completely widened now. "Well Hela used to take care of my pillager form, as a blaze I don't have to eat" she explained swinging the bread around. "Uh.. you put it, in your mouth" I said pointing. "Like a penis?" she asked. "NO NO NO-" I yelled shaking my head. "Are you sure?" she asked looking at it. "YES VERY SURE" I yelled more groaning. She just stared before biting a chunk out of it. "How does it taste?" I asked. She just blinked before swallowing it. I paused just staring at her. "Did you chew?-" I asked concerned. "What's chewing?" she asked. I just face palmed sighing deeply. "Good morning guys" Nightmare said walking down. "Good morningg" I said walking over to the couch. I leaned over the couch kissing him then went to sit down. "Hey Iina, you're a god right?" he asked. "Mhm" she responded eating the bread. "Is there any way you could separate Day-Dream from my body??" he asked, seeming determined to get away from him. "Hm.." Iina mumbled rubbing her chin. "Summer you raided our igloo correct?" she asked. My eyes just widened in shock. "How'd you know?" I asked confused. "I felt Hela's presence.. And you guys were around her I assumed you guys visited the igloo" she said finishing off the bread. "You guys got attacked by Hela?!" Nightmare asked, raising his voice a bit. "It doesn't matter. They made it out alive and that's the important thing" she replied. "I guess.." he mumbled crossing his arms. "Did you find a book on the nether?" she asked making a book shape with her hands. "I dunno, Echo got the rest of the loot. All I stole was medical items and hair dye" I replied looking for the bag. "Ah no, well in that book it explains you and Day-Dreams scenario. It has happened to multiple others, it seems to be very popular between people from the nether" she explained. "Would you be able to undo it?" he asked hopeful. "I'm pretty sure, but it'd be an all day job. Basically like an exorcism" she answered putting her hand on her chin. "Well I'll do whatever it takes to seperate us. If I end up on that same wooden floor one more god damn time.." he mumbled angrily. "I'll try to do it as soon as possible, before Day-Dream can take back control" she said. "Thank you so much Iina thank you- I'll pay you back anyway I can" he said practically praying to her. "There's no need. This would be basically paying Day-Dream back for 'saving my life' as he says." she said sounding a bit annoyed. "I'd like to meet this guy properly, last time we met we just called each other ugly" I said rubbing my chin. "He called you ugly??" Nightmare asked. "Yeah, and the first time he tried to kill me but I mean" I added shrugging it off. "Oh I'mma kill him when he gets back to his own body." he said sternly. Iina just shook her head crossing her arms. "What I saw in the nether, that wasn't your power Nightmare" she said thinking. "What do you mean?" he asked glancing back at her. "If Day-Dream is depending on your body to survive that'd mean he'd be using your power which is how it has been for a while now. What Echo described in Electric Kingdom sounds like he's learned to master your mask power before you in all this time. But what I saw in the nether wasn't your power at all, it was his." she explained. "Yeah yeah that white lightning thing right? Nightmare's power is purple" I said thinking a bit now. "So what?" Nightmare asked confused. "I don't think anyone would be able to kill him. I mean he was able to get a hard hit on Hela which means.." she trailed off. "What that he's god level?" Nightmare asked as if not believing it. Iina just nodded before continuing. "He'd have the potential to rule with me and Hela" she said seriously. "Really? That ugly white headed guy?? I'd think he would be at my dad's power level or something" Nightmare said frowning. "Day-Dream may be an asshole but he should never be put at your dad's level-" I said chuckling a bit. Iina just chuckled face palming a bit. "Asshole may be a bit of a stretch." she said. "Nah nah, assholes the right word" Nightmare said smiling. "Oo does Iina have a crush??" I asked teasing her. "What's that? Who am I crushing" she asked frowning. I just blinked before sighing in defeat. "Never mind. I'll go get the book from Echo so I can punch Day-Dream in the face" I said walking to the door. "I WANT IN ON THAT" Nightmare yelled after me. I just smiled before walking out the door.

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