The Real Life Encounter?

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One night I was just laying down with Nightmare. I was playing with his hair about to fall asleep. "Hey Summer?" he asked before. "Hm?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Why haven't we met in real life?" he asked. "I'm not sure...I've met Flamey and Shadow though" I said. "YOU HAVE?!" he yelled getting up. I chuckled sitting up. "Yeah, Shadow shifted with me once. And I met up with Flamey in the hospital" I explained. "THEN WHY HAVEN'T WE MET?!" he yelled as if a bit insulted I met his siblings first. "Well your dad scares me" I said chuckling. "Oh trust me we won't see him till...probably Fourth of July sadly" Nightmare said hanging his head down. "Well then, why don't we meet tomorrow?" I asked kissing him on the head. "BET" he said headbutting me. "OW" I yelled holding my head. "FUCK-" he said pausing. The next morning I woke up shifting. I got up realizing I was still in my other clothes. We had gone mini golfing and I knocked out on the couch. I got up waking up more. I made my grandpa breakfast then ran to get ready. I heard my parents talking in the room. I ran downstairs with my shoes then started to put them on. I went to open the door until my dad walked out. "Hey" he yelled causing me to flinch. "Now I'm a bit sick of this sneaking around" he said crossing his arms. I slowly turned to face him. "You got kidnapped, you keep sneaking off to the clubhouse, to town, we lost you at Historia Science center?! Then all of a sudden these random strangers from work sleep over?? So what is going on?" he asked. I just stared at him trying to think of what to say. "Hello? I'm talking to you" he said. "I-I dunno I-" was all I could say. "You don't know?! How do you not know" he yelled. "I mean I don't know" I said gently. "Where's your tablet?" he asked. "Uhm, dead I haven't used it i-" I was cut off. "CHARGE IT" he yelled. I quickly ran to plug it in. "Sit right here until it's charged enough" he said pacing back and forth. "But a fri-" I was cut off again. "WHAT?! I SAID SIT RIGHT HERE" he yelled. I sighed sitting down. He walked to the room frustrated. How the hell do I tell him? Oh yeah dad I was injected and now I can shift to a video game. I was kidnapped by a crazy scientist and I saved the world twice? I just shook my head getting up. I opened the door running out. "HEY" my dad yelled running out the room. I slammed the door locking it then ran as fast as I could. My eyes were blinded with tears so I ran for a while before stopping. I wiped them out as well as I could running again. I didn't know if my dad had tried to follow me or not but I didn't care. I made it town town sighing. I sat on a bench to catch my breath. Me and Nightmare talked about meeting at the middle of main street. I just sat there fixing my jacket. After about 2 minutes I decided to look around. I got up and looked around. I spotted someone sitting on the far bench. I don't know if I was light headed but it seemed like their apperence glitched. I decided to walk over to them. "Um hi-" I was cut off. "FUCK" they yelled flinching. I flinched as well trying to signal I wasn't a threat. "Summer?" they asked turning. "Yes" I responded glancing around again. They got up hugging me briefly. "Um- Nightmare?" I asked. "Of course" he said stepping back.

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