An Over Protective

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I made it back to my room without Echo and Nightmare noticing. Two more days had passed since then. I woke up the next morning. Nightmare wanted to sleep in his room so I remembered I was laying on him. I got up and walked out of the room. I decided to check up on Ocean. "Whoa whoa whoa, where are you going" Echo said stopping me. "Are you just waiting next to the door now-" I asked. "Yeah" Echo responded. "My wound has healed since before Echo I'm fine" I told her. "Well where are you going then?" Echo asked. "I'm just going to check on a person I met" I responded. "Are they a boy??" she asked. "....Echo they're a child-" I said, "I'll be fine". "Fine. If you die I'll kill you" she said. I paused, "Okay-". I walked out of the house then went the same direction I did before. I eventually reached the village and walked through. "Ocean?" I asked looking around. They slowly moved the vines out of the way. "Hi" I said stopping. They ran out with my bag then teared up. "Whoa whoa what happened-" I said going down to their height. "Why'd you trust me with your stuff?! I just lost it anyways!" they yelled crying. "Well what did you lose?" I asked. "Y-Your shiny chest cover a-and most of the things" they said, "the person ran off with them!". "Oh well it's not your fault if someone took them" I reassured them. "You shouldn't have trusted me with your stuff!" they repeated. "I gave it to you cause I wanted to! It's fine if it's gone, cheer up" I said wiping their tears. "Really?" they asked. "Mhm!" I said. "O-Okay" they replied. I heard rustling in the forest behind their base. I glared in the direction of the sound then focused back. "Do you wanna see if the blacksmith has stuff?" I asked. "What's that?" Ocean asked. "Oh well the houses in front of you have people living in them and one of them sells weapons" I explained to them. "Ooh then yah!" Ocean exclaimed running into the village. "I'll be right there!" I yelled after them. I glanced back into the woods then purposely dropped a sword on the ground. I turned and walked ahead. I heard sometting dash out from behind. When I went to turn I saw someone run past me. The moment the person went to pick up the sword they were pushed back. I turned and saw Nightmare holding a sword to the person chest. He fucking followed me. "O-Okay I'm sorry-" the person said holding their hands up. "Nightmare let them go" I said walking to him. Nightmare held me back in a protective way. I crossed my arms. The person looked young and scared. Not as young as Ocean but younger then us. "Nightmare" I repeated. Nightmare sighed then stepped back. I noticed the kid had the enchanted diamond chestplate I gave Ocean. "It's not good to steal" I said. "I-I just needed stuff I was scared" she said. She kind of looked like Jk, I was guessing she was a fox as well. "It's fine! Keep the sword, protect yourself but don't steal anymore" I told them. "Okay!" she said handing the chestplate back to me. I took it then stood up at my height. "Bye!" she said running back into the woods. "What the hell was that" Nightmare asked. "Let's talk about you following me." I told him bonking him on the head gently. "Ow-" he said. Ocean ran to me then hid behind me. He glared at Nightmare holding a stick. "You're running a daycare?" he asked. "This is Ocean- I met them before the incident" I explained. "Is the man bothering you" Ocean asked. "No he's a friend" I told Ocean. Nightmare waved. Eventually it reached night time and we said goodbye to Ocean. Me and Nightmare starting walking home. "Sooo you're like a mom now?" Nightmare asked. "Shut up" I said. "Oh if you wanna talk about something else, in the real world I have a bunny girl kink" he continued grinning. I glared at him then grabbed his ear and pulled him. "Ow ow ow-" he said catching up to me.

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