Finishing The Wither Battle

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We had been fighting all morning. Even with a literal ender dragon and lightning withers are hard to kill. Our house had been completely annihilated and over the past weeks the withers tore up the land too. Mountains, houses, and forests gone for a second time. I hopped off the wither kind of zoning out. My mind just wandered during this fight. I felt extremely guilty for what I did with Echo but I couldn't take it back now. We just decided to not bring it up at breakfast. Then I thought about this "Day-Dream" guy. Why was he spawning in these withers in the first place? Replaying the first fight in my mind made me a bit furious. All of his answers to my questions. I ending up swinging downwards too hard cutting one of the withers heads off. It let out a shriek falling to the ground. Stacy glanced at me then used lightning to cut the rest of the heads off. The withers body slowly turned to ash as the sky started to clear up. I just sat on the floor breathing heavily. Stacy striked to the ground then put her sword back in the sash. "Finally that's over with" Echo said swinging her sword around. Stacy glanced at me then stood up straight. "You alright?" she asked with a genuine tone. I just shook my head not bothering to get up. "You guys alright?" Hela asked turning to face us. "I think we'll stay behind Hela" Stacy said kneeling down next to me. She exchanged looks with Iina but respected out wishes and left. Stacy put down a cloth then sat down. "This world driving you crazy huh?" she asked glancing at me. I just shook my head sighing. "This world is's just the problems people cause-" I said resting my arms on my leg. "I've never thought of it that way" she said tilting her head. I just groaned hanging my head down. "I'm sorry Stacy I'm just having a rough week" I said. "You don't have to be sorry, never apologize for your pain" she said giving me a warm smile. I just stood silent glaring at her. "I can really trust you huh?" I asked still a bit betrayed by the whole Hela thing. "Of course Summer" she said giving me a half hug. I smiled gently still feeling a bit down but better now.

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