I Guess We're Criminals

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To take a small break from the world I shifted back. I still didn't wanna go home so I stayed over longer. It had been a while real life time already. I got up before everyone, assuming they were shifted, so I walked outside. After getting ready I decided to make food. After a few minutes of cooking I heard a door creak. I paused a bit at the sound but continued on. Aether walked out of the hallway groaning. "Hello child" I said deciding to bother him a bit. He paused in his steps glancing up at me. He slowly reversed back into the hallway. I narrowed my eyebrows confused but decided to ignore it. He walked back out after processing everything. "Hi-" he said sitting down at the table. "Hello" I responded moving the pot. "I didn't know you could cook" he said leaning on the table a bit. "Keep dreaming" I said focusing on what I was doing. "Okay-" he said tapping the table then glancing away. After a few minutes I made two plates of food. I gave one to Aether then sat across from him. "Thanks" he mumbled setting it down. We sat in silence until Nightmare walked out. I went to say hi until someone knocked on the door. We all glanced over a bit confused. "This is the police" the person said. We all exchanged concerned looks. I got up walking to the hallway, not wanting to be there when the door opened. Nightmare walked over opening the door. "Um yes?" he asked. "We were wondering if you've seen a girl, goes by the name Summer Carlson?" he asked. Nightmare's eyes widened a bit. Aether laughed a little turning in his seat. Nightmare glared at him then looked back at the police officer. "May I ask why?" he asked. "She went missing a few days ago from her house, her parents reported her missing along with a poster" he said handing it to Nightmare. He briefly took it glancing it over. "We've had a few suspects in the neighborhood" he explained. "No I haven't" he said after long thought. "Well if you see her make sure to give us a call right away" he said putting his hat back on. "Alright, thank you officer" Nightmare said still confused. He said his goodbye then left. Nightmare closed the door then walked back to the table. I walked out of the hallway a bit in shock. "You guys are going to jail~" Aether said in a teasing tone. "We're not going to jail Aether" I said sternly. "You ran away from home??" Nightmare asked leaning on the table. I grabbed the poster from him glancing at it. "So this is what they used for the poster" I said kind of ignoring Nightmare. "Can I keep that" Aether asked. We both just glared at him frustrated. "This is serious Summer" he said. "So you guys are going to jail?" Aether asked. "WE'RE NOT GOING TO JAIL" Nightmare yelled. "I dunno, you lied to a cop and Summer hid from one. Sounds like jail time to me" he said licking the spoon. "I ran away because of an argument, I was chased so I was scared to go back" I said sitting back down. "Can we keep you then" Aether asked pouting a bit. Nightmare sighed hitting him over the head. "OW!" Aether yelled. "Why are you guys being so loud" Flamey asked walking out. "Summer and Nightmare are going to jail" Aether said. "What the fuck" Flamey said confused. "We are not going to jail" I said groaning. "Do you even plan on going back?" Nightmare asked. I just glared at the table for a bit. "I'm not sure, I don't wanna burden here" I responded. "No no burden here burden here" Aether said. We all three just glared at him. "I don't care" Flamey said walking to the stove. "You can't hide from the cops forever though, they'll find out eventually" Nightmare said. "I'll figure something out soon" I responded picking at my food. "Good job Nightmare, you know you do an awesome job at making people upset" Aether said annoyed. "SHUT THE FUCK UP" Nightmare yelled. "HMPH" Aether yelled pouting. I just glared at the table listening to them argue. What was I gonna do?

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