That was not so easy

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I ran back to the spot Echo was. There was just a hole in the floor. I fell on my knees in disbelief. "Relax y/n" someone said from behind. I turned and saw Echo there. What was y/n? Whatever. "Some creepers don't blow themselves up I just had to create a diversion" she explained. I was relieved. Then I remember Nightmare had fell in the lava. I groaned thinking this was all insane. Just after we finished rebuilding, the market and even more buildings were burnt down. Echo turned and saw Nightmare walking out the house. Wolfie handed him his bag. "And who's that?" Nightmare asked. Echo walked to him and basically judged him. "This is-" I was cut off. "The one and only Echo" she said. Nightmare just nodded. I could tell they didn't like each other, and I don't think it was in a skeptical way. "Okay you realize that's a creeper?" Nightmare says. "So? Deima's a ghast" I responded. He paused at those words. "Yeah but Deima's nice" he said. "Yeah and you'll feel nice when I stick my-" Echo was cut off. "Okay okay uh-" I said trying to stop this. "Awkwarddd" Wolfie said to Jk. Jk glanced down at them then nodded. Echo decided to leave after the whole thing with Nightmare. We put out the fire and settled everything down. Jk and Wolfie went to the medic house with Blade, leaving me and Nightmare in the house. I sat at the table while Nightmare fixed the front door. There was again that awkward silence in the room. "Okay who's Echo" Nightmare finally said. I just laughed. "What?" I asked chuckling still. "That is a creeper, a full on creeper Summer" he repeated. "I still stand by saying that you have your mob friends" I said realizing he was serious. "Okay what, are you jealous of Deima or something?" he asked. I scoffed, "Oh yeah please Nightmare give me attention" I said sarcastically. "Y'know what I'm going to the nether" he said placing his shovel down. "Okay have fun?? What do you expect me to be mad at that?" I asked standing. "No, but have fun with your creeper friend" he said. I laughed again then mocked, "Are you jealous of my creeper friend?". He turned and slammed the door behind him. "GOD" I yelled sitting down again. I just stuffed my face in my hands. I don't know what that was just now. At this point it was clear, I either wanted to die in this world or leave this world.

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