Heading To Electric Kingdom

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After a few days of rest we decided to head out again. By afternoon me and Nightmare went to Stacy's village. Noah was already there rewrapping his leg. "Are you gonna be alright to come with an injured leg?" I asked him. He nodded slightly assuring the tape was stable. "Getting held up over a tiny thing is pathetic" he said standing up straight. "Tiny? Your leg was dipped in lava for 10 minutes" I said sternly. He just glared at me then shook his head walking ahead. I just sighed genuinely concerned for him. Stacy walked out with Ella. "Are you coming as well Stacy?" I asked. "Mhm! It'll be fun to see Aaron again" she said smiling. Nightmare could barely get any words out. "If he acts like this around all girls fighting Aaron might go south fast." Noah said disappointed. They explained that Maylene will meet us there to part the water. After getting everything ready we finally head out. The walk was even longer then getting to the other kingdoms. Throughout the whole time we just had random conversations. "How old are you guys even?" I asked. They all exchanged looks thinking. "Well I'm in my early 30s" Stacy answered. Nightmare paused at that moment. I started laughing out of spite. "I'm 36" Noah said plainly. "Old man" Nightmare said jokingly. "I'm the average adult age dumbass." he said sternly. "Is this in real life or in the world?" I asked. "Real life?" Stacy asked genuinely confused. "Ohh" I said glancing at Nightmare. He raised one eyebrow confused. "Hela said no one had beaten the end until us, does that mean you guys can't shift?" I asked. "Ohh" Nightmare said as well getting it. "You guys can shift between worlds?" Ella asked. I nodded turning to face them again. "Fucking Hela" Noah said crossing his arms. "Well I'm a young adult" Ella said. "How different would our ages be in real life anyways?" Stacy asked. "Well Historia for instance was 9 in the world but turned out to be like 40 in real life" I answered. "Damn, talk about a catfish" Ella said. We talked on that subject for the rest of the night. In the morning we made it to an ocean. "Isn't this just a dead end?" Nightmare asked glancing around. There was nothing but water surrounding the land. "Nope" Noah answered walking up to us. "Hi guys!" Maylene exclaimed running over. Deno was there as well. "Are we ready to go over?" she asked pointing over to the water. Noah nodded giving the clear. She smiled walking over to the edge of the land. "It'll be too suspicious if I opened the whole water along, so moving it while we walk would make more sense" she answered. She moved her hands causing the water to split wide enough. Noah and Stacy walked ahead kind of unphased. I was in shock at the fact she could do that. After a bit of silence I walked ahead with Nightmare and Deno. Ella stuck behind us just in case. Maylene walked with Ella moving the water in the order we walked. After a few minutes we finally made it to the edge of the land. The sky became a bit darker as we got closer. "I can't get any closer..but I wish you guys luck" Maylene said smiling. We said our goodbyes as she walked back putting the water to normal. Noah and Stacy helped us up onto the land. We walked ahead going into an alleyway. "It's different then I last remembered." Noah said looking around. Stacy nodded along focusing on her steps. "That's something an old man would say" Nightmare said out of spite. Noah stopped in front of him to give him a death stare. Nightmare stumbled back smiling awkwardly. He slowly turned back around to catch up with Stacy. Nightmare scratched his head following them again. "Do you remember Jewl's warehouse?" Ella asked. "Oh no" Noah said concerned. "You guys are going to have to stay there for a bit.. I'll check in with Aaron then sneak you guys in a better place. Just stay there please, I can't risk getting us killed" she explained walking to the front of our group. "Fine, same way?" Noah asked. She nodded, "Take the path in the back of town and walk to the border, her warehouse will still be there". We said our goodbyes there as Ella walked into the heart of town. "Time to go through a shitshow" Noah said sighing. Stacy just smiled enjoying all of this.

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