A Break Time During This Insanity

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That night we decided to go with Echo's plan. We changed a few things and they managed not the argue that much. Made a few comments and joked around but we're getting there. I woke up the next morning yawning. I got up almost falling. I kissed Nightmare on the head then went out. I was supposed to meet up with Hela. I turned the corner double backing. "BAH" I yelled seeing someone. "Oh hello Summer" Hela said. "Hela you scared the shit out of me" I said. "Sorry- You were taking a bit so I decided to come to you" she said. "It's fine it's fine" I said. Aether turned the corner. "Oh! I didn't know you were going out" I said glancing at him. "Yeah, his wound is a bit better and he insisted on coming for some reason" Hela explained. "Wanted to see my sweet sweet brother" he said smiling. I just sighed a bit worried. "Speaking of where he is" he asked. I noticed he pulled something out his bag. He put a mask over his head tightening the strap. I paused, it was the same as Nightmare's mask but a different design. It had a blue fire symbol over it. "Um, sleeping" I said snapping out of it. He nodded slightly. "So um, can we go somewhere not outside your house?" Hela asked. "Yeah sure" I said following them. We stopped at a second field. "So I wanted to explain something uh, you remember when I told you how me and Iina was friends with a ghast correct?" Hela asked. I just glanced at her confused. "Um I d-" I trailed off. She signaled to just go with it. "Well there are- multiple-" she trailed off as well. "GET OVER HERE CREEPER WHORE" Aether yelled running off. Hela sighed then walked to me. "I meant how we told you we're the end and nether symbols, the mask that Nightmare has is from the end" she explained. "Oh?" I asked. "I realized it when he came down and Aether talked so much about it. Aether stole that mask from the end, but he's not so special for owning it. There are multiple copies of it, endermen's faces are actually versions of the mask. There are just some that show up like that. The only thing is Nightmare's mask is different" she explained. "So why'd you give him another one" I asked. "I didn't, he found it. I had been working on it the night before" she said. "But why trust me with this?" I asked. "I trust you! You've been a real help to me and Iina. And you don't have to do this alone. Echo knows about it and you're open to tell Nightmare. Just don't tell him about our true identity-" she said. "Wait how do you know Echo?" I asked. Hela just giggled as if laughing at me. "We know all the mobs! You're not ready to know how yet, so let's just say it's because we're friends with the violent mob association" she said winking at me. I just paused a bit confused. I felt like I just died inside from the wink though. "But what am I supposed to do about it?" I asked. "There are multiple groups with a mask like that, this world is bigger then your area. And there are way more people then you think. Some of them aren't as good, I'm just warning you beforehand" she explained. "Hey guys, got 7 gunpowder" Aether said walking back. I glanced at him a bit stunned from what Hela has told me so far. "7? That's nothing, we have 3 whole chests of gunpowder kid" I joked. "I'm not listening to you anymore, you're mean" he said. "You can't ignore me" I said bothering him. He groaned turning red again, hiding behind Hela. Hela laughed turning towards me. "Don't forget that! And stay safe at your meeting" she said winking again. I had never told her about the meeting. "Thanks Hela- See ya Aether" I said waving. "Actually can I come with you, I actually do wanna see Nightmare I guess" he said. "Aww, that's adowable" I said teasing him. "I hate you" he said shoving me, "Let's go idiot wolf". I laughed waving to Hela then following Aether.

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