Checking in on the Investigation/Mask group 1

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It had been a month since Echo died. I had been shifting from both worlds since. We finally finished filling in the land and rebuilt Flamey's house. Things have been chill again. Aether was still chilling at Hela's base, and Lenny hasn't attacked in a while. We never told Hela about Echo's death. She made it clear she didn't wanna be revived. I walked to Echo's house the next day. I knocked on the door then stepped back. She opened it groaning. She look like she had died but in real life. "Did you just wake up-" I asked. "Mhm" she said rubbing her eyes. "Sorry then" I said awkwardly. "It's fine" she said standing up straight. She let me in walking to the kitchen. "Do you have any updates?" I asked sitting down. "No, Historia has been silent lately and cops gave up" she said making coffee. "That's good I suppose" I said. She walked over literally chugging down her coffee. "How's the world?" she asked. "Good, nothing interesting has really happened" I responded. "Yeah, it's pretty boring over here too but keeping tabs on Historia" she said. "You don't have to by the way-" I said. "Eh it's fun" she said. "The one fun thing" I said chuckling. My head started to hurt but I just ignored it. "I guess this coffee is finally kicking in" Echo said. I was a bit confused what she meant until everything went dark. I shifted to the world but it was different. I spawned in on the front lawn. Aether and Nightmare were arguing in front of the house. What about? I didn't really care at the moment. I heard angry groaning next to me. "FUCK" Echo yelled just laying on the floor. "What." Nightmare said glancing between us. I got up offering to help Echo up. "NO, I DON'T WANNA BE HERE" she yelled. "You don't really have a choice-" I said. "How are you even here?" Nightmare asked. "I don't fucking know, did any of y'all mother fuckers tell Hela I was dead?" Echo asked. Aether just shoik his head confused about the whole thing. I felt a tug behind me pulling me back, like lag. Echo turned going to grab my hand but missed. The world seemed like it cut off and it was just a void. I slid back but somehow I didn't fall through. The ground glitched finally dropping me. Echo ran glancing over the edge. I glanced around just seeing light blue. The void glitched again teleporting us. I fell down into a water pool confused. Echo fell in next face first. "WHAT THE FUCK?" Aether yelled. I glanced up and saw Hela. It was a part of their base but we've never been to this part. "I'm sorry I don't know what's happening with the world, something happened and now it's glitching" Hela said. I got out of the water helping Nightmare out. The block underneath broke randomly. I yelled onto the block in front groaning. "Hela get your shit together" Echo said helping me up. "I'm trying!" Hela yelled. "What happened though" Aether asked still sitting in the water. "I don't know a random source is causing it to glitch and I can't easily fix it" she responded. The world glitched again teleporting us for a second time. I fell hitting my head. "Ow-" I said just laying there. I held my hand out grabbing onto the nearest thing. I felt pricks on my hand, a cactus. "MOTHER FUCKER" I yelled holding my hand. "Why are we in a desert-" Aether asked sitting up. Echo just laid there helplessly. She looked like she already gave up. I helped her up patting the sand off. Echo glanced in front of us then paused. "No no no no no no no no NO" she yelled. "What" Nightmare asked. A whistle came from the mountain above. Echo pulled Nightmare out of the way. The arrow hit a cactus barely cutting Aether. "WOW OKAY" he yelled running to us. A guy poked his head out glaring at us. "HELA NOW WOULD BE A WONDERFUL TIME TO TELEPORT US AGAIN" Echo yelled. "WHY ARE YOU HERE?" the guy on the mountain asked. "We were teleported, you would know if you were watching us the whole time" Nightmare said plainly. The guy walked down holding the bow still. He reached our level pointing the bow at Nightmare. "State your name" he said sternly. Echo wlaked up snatching the bow from him. He looked extremely offended that she did that. "Addax do you have the braincells of a literal pigeon." Echo said. "How do you know my name?" the guy asked. "HOLY FUCK, I DIDN'T CHANGE MY APPERENCE. YOU'RE AS DUMB AS AETHER" she yelled. "HEY!" Aether yelled offended. "Echo?" Addax asked. "Okay so are we gonna get an explanation what the fuck" I asked standing by Nightmare. Echo sighed glancing down. "You screamed Hela's name earlier, you still hang out with her?" Addax asked. "HELLO?" Nightmare yelled waving his hand. "This is an old friend, Addax" Echo said. "Oh c'mon~ Introduce me as your ex will ya?" Addax said. "EX?!" Nightmare yelled. Echo groaned about to smack the shit out of them both. "ECHO LIKED GUYS??" Nightmare asked knowing he's annoying her. "IT WAS A STUPID MISTAKE MASK MAN" Echo yelled. Addax glared at Nightmare a bit confused. "Your mask reminds me of Stacy's" he said. "The groups still together-" Echo asked. "Yeah, just because you left doesn't mean we were gonna split up idiot. You're not that special" Addax said. "Also what" Nightmare asked holding the mask. "Yeah what" Aether said leaning over Nightmare. Nightmare pushed him back almost causing him to fall. "She has a mask similar to yours, just with a heart instead of the face" Addax explained. "If you want I can bring you to the village" he added glancing at Echo. "Sure, this world already wants to fucking show the people I know my old business might as well have the fukl tour" Echo said sighing.

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